J-GLOBAL ID:201001066842319021
Update date: Dec. 12, 2024
スズキ ユタカ | SUZUKI Yutaka
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (6):
Theoretical economics
, Theoretical economics
, Theoretical economics
, Theoretical economics
, Theoretical economics
, Public economics, labor economics
Research keywords (10):
, ゲーム理論
, 企業と組織の経済学
, 政治経済学
, Contract Theory
, Theory of The Firm
, Incomplete Contracts
, Theoretical Institutional Analysis
, Applied Game Theory
, Applied Mechanism Design
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 2015 - 2017 ユーロ圏財政ガバナンスへの不完備契約アプローチ:コミットメントvsフレクシビリティー
- 2014 - 2016 現代中国のガバナンス問題に関する契約理論分析
- 2011 - 2014 欧州連合における集権・分権と状態依存ガバナンスのゲーム理論的分析およびその拡張
- 2008 - 2011 中国浙江省における民間企業に関する基礎調査
- 2009 - 2011 EU(欧州連合)における集権・分権とインセンティブ問題:「契約理論」の視点(安定成長協定とユーロ圏財政ガバナンスを題材として)
- 2008 - 2011 Corporate Governance and Contract Theory
- 2006 - 2008 コーポレートガバナンスと企業理論
- 2005 - 2007 A Contract Theoretical Analysis of Governance
- 2003 - 2006 中国企業の国際競争力に関する比較経済分析
- 2003 - 2005 現代中国の地域開発における地方政府のガバナンス効果
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Papers (38):
Yutaka Suzuki. “Controlled Competition”: How Governments can induce Long-Term Competition. Journal of Government and Economics. 2024. 14. 100111
Yutaka Suzuki. Collusion, shading, internal and external auditing in the simple hierarchical agency. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics. 2024
Yutaka Suzuki. Collusion, Shading and Optimal Organization Design. The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics. 2023. 23. 2. 537-575
Neoclassical Theory of the Firm, Iwai's Theory of Corporation, and the Grossman-Hart-Moore Property Rights Theory: A Discovery from Education. 2022. 89. 4. 481-504
Yutaka Suzuki. Collusion, Shading, and Optimal Organization Design in a Three-tier Agency Model with a Continuum of Types. Annals of Economics and Finance. 2021. 22. 2. 317-365
MISC (31):
鈴木豊, 李江南. 中国企業の所有形態への不完備契約アプローチ: 民進国退vs国進民退の全体像を捉える枠組み. ICES DISCUSSION PAPER No.24 J-001. 2024
In Honor of Professor Matori Yamamoto's Retirement. 経済志林. 2021. 88. 3. 1-4
鈴木豊. 経済学部百周年に寄せて. 経済学部100周年記念誌. 2020. 6-7
In Honor of Professor Michiki KIKUCHI’s Retirement. 経済志林. 2020. 87. 3・4. 1-4
In Honor of Professor Osamu ZAITSU’s Retirement. 経済志林. 2018. 86. 1. 1-6
Books (6):
Game Theory and Contract Theory 2nd Edition
Keiso Shobo 2021 ISBN:9784326504862
An Institutional Analysis of Chinese Economy: An Approach from Contract Theory and Game Theory
Nippon-Hyoron-sha 2020 ISBN:9784535559608
Game Theory and Contract Theory
Keiso Shobo 2016 ISBN:9784326504305
Cross-Sectoral Comparative Analysis of Governance: A Game/Contract Theoretical Approach
Hosei Univershity Press 2010 ISBN:9784588602252
ズバリ図解 ゲーム理論
ぶんか社文庫 2008 ISBN:9784821151905
Lectures and oral presentations (33):
“Controlled Competition”: Dynamic Tournaments as Economic Development Strategy: A Viewpoint from Incentive Design
(20th World Congress of the International Economic Association 2023)
“Controlled Competition”: Dynamic Tournaments as Economic Development Strategy: A Viewpoint from Incentive Design
(Econometric Society European Meeting 2023 (ESEM 2023) and Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society (AMES 2023) 2023)
A Dynamic Incomplete Contract Model of the Management of Innovation(イノベーション・マネジメントの動学的な不完備契約モデル)
(法政大学比較経済研究所コンファレンス 2015)
(2014年度秋季日本応用経済学会 2014)
津曲正俊氏(慶應大学)の論文”Weak Ex Ante Collusion and Design of Supervisory Institutions”(with D.Mookherjee and A.Motta)へのコメント
(日本経済学会 2014年度秋季大会 2014)
Education (2):
- - 1995 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Economics Economic Theory
- - 1990 The University of Tokyo Economics Department Economics
Professional career (3):
- Ph.D in Economics (The University of Tokyo)
- MA in Economics (The University of Tokyo)
- BA in Economics (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (9):
- 2004/04 - 現在 Professor of Economics,Hosei University
- 2017/04 - 2021/03 Dean, Faculty of Economics, Hosei University
- 2015/04 - 2017/03 Associate Dean, Faculty of Economics, Hosei University
- 2013/04 - 2015/03 Dean, Graduate School of Economics, Hosei University
- 2011/09 - 2012/08 Visiting Scholar,Department of Economics,Harvard University
- 1996/04 - 2004/03 Associate Professor of Economics, Hosei University
- 2002/04 - 2003/03 Visiting Scholar,Department of Economics,Harvard University
- 2001/04 - 2002/03 Visiting Scholar,Department of Economics,Stanford University
- 1995/04 - 1996/03 Assistant Professor of Economics, Hosei University
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Awards (2):
- 2020/06 - 法政大学経済学部同窓会 Mori Kahei Award
- 1990/03 - 東京大学経済学部 Ouchi Hyoe Prize for B.A Thesis at Economics Department, The University of Tokyo
Association Membership(s) (3):
Econometric Society
, Japanese Economic Association
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