J-GLOBAL ID:201001072936436110
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Tanaka-Ellis Nobue
タナカエリス ノブエ | Tanaka-Ellis Nobue
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (3):
Foreign language education
, Sociology of education
, Educational technology
Research keywords (5):
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
, コンピュータ支援言語学習
, Global Leadership
, Intercultural Communication
, Social Justice in Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): - 2020 - 2024 Efficacy of a flipped-learning CLIL course in content teaching and promoting the target language skills
- 2016 - 2020 Assessing the Validity of a Ubiquitous Learning Environment through a Holistic Assessment Approach
- 2012 - 2016 Unveiling Learning Methods for Improving L2 Speaking Skills in a Blended Learning Environment
- 2011 - 2012 Examining the relationships between speaking ability and brain activity of second language learners.
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Papers (4): -
Nobue Tanaka-Ellis, Sachiyo Sekiguchi. Not a language course (!): teaching global leadership skills through a foreign language in a flipped, blended, and ubiquitous learning environment. CALL and complexity - short papers from EUROCALL 2019. 2019. 350-355
Nobue Tanaka-Ellis, Sachiyo Sekiguchi. Making global knowledge accessible to EFL speakers of an undergraduate leadership program through a flipped and ubiquitous learning environment. Technology in Language Teaching and Learning. 2018. 1. 1. 3-20
Nobue Tanaka-Ellis. Ranking Competencies of Oral Output: A Unit of Analysis for Low-Proficient L2 Speakers. Studies in English Language Teaching. 2017. 5. 3. 560-560
Nobue Tanaka-Ellis. Converging the Curriculum Designer’s Intentions into a Foreign Language Classroom. Journal of Arts and Humanities. 2017. 6. 7. 19-19
Books (1): - Exploring a Smart CALL environment through the critical lens of Affordance-Actualization Theory
Castledown 2022 ISBN:9781914291012
Lectures and oral presentations (4): -
Designing a Communicative CALL Environment through the Community of Inquiry Framework
(The 57th RELC International Conference 2023)
Development of English Teacher Trainees' Target Language Use and Perception Related to Educational Technology
(The 57th RELC International Conference 2023)
It’s my turf: an educational technologist’s account of teaching teacher-trainee courses in online and face-to-face modes
(ALT Annual Conference 2022 2022)
Recapturing and redefining the smartness of CALL
(The 21st International CALL Research Conference 2022)
Education (5): - - 2010 メルボルン大学 言語教育研究科 コンピュータ支援語学教育、応用言語学
- - 2010 The University of Melbourne Graduate School, Division of Language Education Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Applied Linguistics
- - 2000 メルボルン大学 言語教育研究科 コンピュータ支援語学教育
- - 2000 The University of Melbourne Graduate School, Division of Language Education Computer-Assisted Language Learning
- The University of Melbourne Faculty of Arts Linguistics
Professional career (3): - Ph.D. (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
- Master of CALL (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
- Bachelor of Arts (The University of Melbourne)
Committee career (1): - JALT CALL SIG Co-Editor-in-Chief, The JALT CALL Journal
Association Membership(s) (3):
EuroCALL (the European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning)
, CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium)
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