J-GLOBAL ID:201001073731662475
Update date: Jan. 23, 2025 Uemura Toshihiro
ウエムラ トシヒロ | Uemura Toshihiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Basic mathematics
Research keywords (3):
Theory of Markov Processes
, Dirichlet forms
, Dirichlet forms;Theory of Markov Processes;
Papers (33): -
Takeda, Masayoshi, Toshihiro Uemura. Criticality of Schrödinger forms and recurrence of Dirichlet forms. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2023. 376. 4145-4171
UEMURA,Toshihiro, TOMISAKI, Matsuyo. Homogenization of symmetric Dirichlet forms. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 2022. vol. 74,247-283
UEMURA,Toshihiro, OKAMURA, Haruna. On Symmetric Stable-Type Processes with Degenerate/Singular Lévy Densities. Journal of Theoretical Probability. 2021. vol.34, 809-826
UEMURA,Toshihiro, Rene L. Schilling. Homogenization of symmetric Lévy processes on Rd. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 2021. vol. 66,243-253
- UEMURA,Toshihiro, YING, Jiangang, LI, Liping. Weak convergence of regular Dirichlet subspaces. Osaka Journal of Mathematics. 2017. Vol. 54 (2017), 435-455
more... MISC (1): -
上村稔大. 飛躍型 Markov 過程と Dirichlet 形式. 日本数学会 秋季総合分科会, 統計数学分科会. 2012
Books (1): - Festschrift Masatoshi Fukushima - In Honor of Masatoshi Fukushima's Sanju -(Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences Vol.17)
World Scienfitic 2015
Lectures and oral presentations (28): -
Some Estimates of Symmetric α-Stable type Processes with Singular/Degenerate L ́evy Densities
(The 16th Workshop on Markov Processes and Related Topics 2021)
On the conservativeness of some Markov processes
(Japanese-German Open Conference on Stochastic Analysis 2017 2017)
Gamma-convergence of symmetric jump-type Dirichlet forms
(Workshop on Jump Processes and Stochastic Analysis 2017 2017)
On an optimal stopping problem and a variational inequality
(Workshop on Stochastic Analysis and related topics 2016 2017)
On the Mosco Convergence of Symmetric Jump Type Dirichlet Forms
(The 11th Workshop on Markov Processes and Related Topics 2015)
more... Works (4): -
Dirichlet Forms and Their Geometry
UEMURA,Toshihiro 2017 - 2017
Workshop on Probability at Kansai University
UEMURA,Toshihiro, SHIOZAWA, Yuichi, YAMAZAKI, Kazutoshi 2015 - 2015
Workshop on Dirichlet Forms & Stochastic Analysis 2014
上村 稔大, SCHILLING, Rene, L., KIM, Panki 2014 - 2014
International Conference on Stochastic Processes, Analysis and Mathematical Physics
上村 稔大, 長井 英生, 山崎 和俊, 日野 正訓, 竹田 雅好, 富崎 松代, 塩沢 裕一, JACOB, Niels, CHEN, Zhen-Qing 2014 - 2014
Professional career (2): Work history (8): - 2009/04 - 2010/03 関西大学システム理工学部数学科 准教授
- 2009/04 - 2010/03 Kansai University Faculty of Engineering Science
- 2004/04 - 2009/03 University of Hyogo School of Business Administration, Department of Strategic Management
- 2007/03 - 2008/03 Visiting Professor at University of Connecticut, Department of Mathematics, Storrs, CT, USA
- 2002/04 - 2004/03 Kobe University of Commerce
- 2002/04 - 2002/08 Visiting Research Fellow at Sussex University, School of Mathematical Sciences, Brighton, United Kingdom
- 1998/04 - 2002/03 Kobe University of Commerce
- 1996/04 - 1998/03 Kobe University of Commerce
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Association Membership(s) (2):
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
, Japan Mathematical Society
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