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J-GLOBAL ID:201001079642743010   Update date: Dec. 14, 2024

Konakahara Mayu

コナカハラ マユ | Konakahara Mayu
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (2): Foreign language education ,  Linguistics
Research keywords  (5): Sociolinguistics ,  Applied Linguistics ,  Conversation Analysis ,  Pragmatics ,  English as a lingua franca
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (5):
  • 2019 - 2023 Research on the realities of the use of ELF in multilingual business settings and implications for the development of global human resources
  • 2018 - 2022 Web-based Educational Pedagogy for the Development of Communication Skills to Accommodate Varieties of English
  • 2017 - 2022 Qualitative study of ELF-informed instruction and its pedagogical implications
  • 2014 - 2019 An investigation into the use of ELF in business and academic settings and its implications for English education of future global citizens
  • 2012 - 2015 共通語としての英語の会話分析に基づくコミュニケーション能力モデルの提案と教育提言
Papers (31):
  • Mayu Konakahara. A longitudinal case study of Japanese informants’ attitudinal development after completing Global Englishes-oriented instruction: examining its long-term effects. Language Awareness. 2024. 1-21
  • Mayu Konakahara. Conflict Talk in English as a Lingua Franca. 2023
  • Mayu Konakahara. After ELF-Informed Instruction: Case Studies of Two Japanese University Students’ Development of Their Attitudes and Language Use through their Subsequent ELF Experiences. 2023
  • Kumiko Murata, Mayu Konakahara, Tomokazu Ishikawa. Acceleration of diveristy in business contexts vs prevalence of NES monolingual value in school contexts: Results from a BP questionnaire. JACET ELF SIG Journal. 2022. 6. 29-52
  • Mayu Konakahara. Single case analyses of two overlap sequences in casual ELF conversations from a multimodal perspective: Toward the consideration of mutual benefits of ELF and CA. Journal of Pragmatics. 2020. 170. 301-316
MISC (9):
  • An Exploration into Changes of Students' Attitudes Towards ELF in EMI and Business People's Attitudinal Differences Towards the Use of ELF and its Implications for English Language Teaching. 2019. 33. 1. 19-38
  • Mayu Konakahara. Internal modifications in requests: Japanese learners of English and Japanese school textbooks. 早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科別冊紀要. 2011. 18. 2. 245-260
  • Mayu Konakahara. Internal modifications in requests: Japanese learners of English and Japanese school textbooks. 早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科別冊紀要. 2011. 18. 2. 245-260
  • Mayu Konakahara. Internal modifications in requests: Japanese learners of English and Japanese school textbooks. The 37th JACET Summer Seminar Proceedings 2009. 2010. 9. 59-64
  • Mayu Konakahara. Request strategies and internal modification in Japanese learners of English. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics 3-5 September 2009. 2010. 67-70
Books (7):
  • Conflict Talk in English as a Lingua Franca: Analyzing Multimodal Resources in Casual ELF Conversations
    De Gruyter Mouton 2023
  • From “English as a native language” to English as a lingua franca: Instructional effects on Japanese university students’ attitudes towards English. In M. Konakahara & K. Tsuchiya (Eds.), English as a lingua franca in Japan: Towards multilingual practice
    Palgrave 2020
  • English as a lingua franca in Japan: Towards multilingual practices
    Palgrave 2020
  • Realities of EMI practices among multilingual students in a Japanese university. In J. Jenkins and A. Mauranen (Eds.), Linguistic Diversity on the International Campus.
    Routledge 2018
  • ‘English’-medium instruction in a Japanese university: Exploring students’ and lectures’ voices from an ELF perspective. In K. Murata (Ed.), English-Medium Instruction from an English as a Lingua Franca Perspective: Exploring the Higher Education Context
    Routledge 2018
Lectures and oral presentations  (45):
  • Exploring the long-term effects of a Global Englishes (GE) course on students’ attitudes: A longitudinal case study of three Japanese university graduates
    (The JALT (Japan Association for Langauge Teaching) Global Englishes SIG 2nd Conference 2024)
  • Developing inclusive attitudes toward English after completing ELF-informed instruction: A longitudional case study of two Japanese university graduates
    (The 21st International Association of Applied Linguistics World Congress (AILA 2024) 2024)
  • A longitudinal case study of changes in attitude and language use: ELF-aware pedagogy and afterward
    (American Association of Applied Lingusitics (AAAL) 2024)
  • Expanding multilingual repertoire through intercultural experiences: A longitudinal case study of a Japanese informant’s perception and use of ELF after completing a WE and ELF course
    (The 6th JACET ELF-SIG International Workshop 2024)
  • ELF-informed teaching practices: Effect and challenges in specialized courses and a content-based English language course
    (JACET ELF SIG, ELF Pedagogy Workshop Summer 2023)
Education (4):
  • 2009 - 2015 Waseda University Graduate School of Educaiton
  • 2009 - 2011 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Education Content Studies of English, Course education studies
  • 2007 - 2008 University of Essex Department of Language and Linguistics MA Applied Linguistics
  • Hosei University Faculty of Letters Department of English
Professional career (2):
  • PhD (Waseda University)
  • MA in Applied Linguistics (with distinction)
Work history (12):
  • 2021/04 - 現在 Kanda University of International Studies Faculty of Foreign Languages Department of English Associate Professor
  • 2018/04 - 現在 Waseda University Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences Part-time lecturer
  • 2015 - 現在 Hosei University Faculty of Interculturla Communication Part-time lecturer
  • 2016/04 - 2021/03 Kanda University of International Studies Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Languages Assistant Professor
  • 2017/04 - 2018/03 School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University Part-time lecturer
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Committee career (1):
  • 2016/04 - 2021/09 JACET SIG on English as a Lingua Franca Steering Committee (SIG Secretariat, SIG Journal Co-editor)
Awards (1):
  • 2017/08 - The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) JACET Award (Academic Publication) Exploring ELF in Japanese Academic and Business Context: Conceptualization, research and pedagogic implications
Association Membership(s) (3):
THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE ENGLISH TEACHERS (JACET) ,  International Pragmatics Association (IPra) ,  The Japanese Association for Asian Englishes (JAFAE)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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