J-GLOBAL ID:201001084897003552
Update date: Jul. 22, 2024 MASANORI TAKEDA
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1): http://www.shizuoka.ac.jp/ Research field (2):
Measurement engineering
, Electronic devices and equipment
Research keywords (2):
, 超伝導
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2023 - 2026 高温超伝導パラメトリック増幅器の研究とヘテロダイン受信機応用
- 2020 - 2023 Traveling-wave-type superconducting parametric amplifier using artificial periodic transmission line in the microwave range
- 2017 - 2019 ジョセフソン接合を用いず極高感度化を実現する新奇超伝導磁束計の研究
- 2016 - 2017 テラヘルツ帯極低雑音増幅器の実現に向けた超伝導パラメトリック増幅器の開発
- 2014 - 2017 Study of low-noise superconducting parametric amplifier aiming at sensitivity enhancement of terahertz receivers
Papers (47): -
A. Satio, F. Shimada, T. Sato, K. Kiyooka, M. Shibata, S. Ono, M. Takeda, Y. Narita, K. Nakajima. Design and fabrication of microwave transmitting antenna using HTS thick disk for wireless power transfer. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022. 2323
Y. Uzawa, M. Kroug, T. Kojima, M. Takeda, K. Makise, S. Ezaki, W. Shan, A. Miyachi, H. Terai. Development of Superconducting Devices Supporting Radio Astronomy. IEICE Transactions on Electronics. 2021. E104-C. 9. 411-421
小松源, 武田正典, 寺井弘高. Kinetic inductance of NbTiN thin film measured with superconducting resonator. Journal of the Japan Society of Infrared Science and Technology. 2021. 30. 2. 43-48
- K. Nakagawa, M. Takeda, A. Saito, H. Terai. Transmission properties of fishbone-type superconducting transmission lines. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2020. 59. 110904-1
T. Goto, M. Takeda, S. Saito, H. Shimakage. Calculations of superconducting parametric amplifier performance. Journal of Physics. 2017. 871. 012081
more... MISC (20): -
H. Kutsuma, C. W. S Chung, M. Takeda, H. Terai, Y. Urade, S. Tamate, Y. Takeda, Y. Nakamura. Evaluation of current dependence of kinetic-inductance in NbTiN thin film for kinetic-inductance traveling-wave parametric amplifiers. Proc. in 20th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD20). 2023. 23-28
- 中川洸希, 齊藤敦, 寺井弘高, 武田正典. Fishbone型超伝導共振器の性能評価. 信学技法. 2019. SCE2019-25. 17-21
H. Maeda, K. Takeshita, H. Terai, M. Takeda. Measurement of kinetic-inductance nonlinearity in an NbTiN thin film toward a novel superconducting-magnetometer development. JSSUME. 2018. 1. *-*
- 責任著者, 武田 正典, 共著者]小嶋 崇文, 斎藤 敦, 牧瀬 圭正, 鵜澤 佳徳, 島影 尚. Evaluation of kinetic-inductance nonlinearity in single-crystal NbTiN-based coplanar waveguide. IEICE Technical Report. 2015. (vol)114. (num)406. 7-12
M. Aoki, S.R. Tripathi, M. Takeda, N. Hiromoto. Passive imaging using a 4K-cryocooled THz photoconductive detector system with background-limited performance. Proc. IRMMW-THz. 2011. *. Th5.11
more... Lectures and oral presentations (189): -
(第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2024)
(第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2024)
Design of kinetic-inductance traveling-wave parametric amplifiers for readout of superconducting quantum circuit
(5th Workshop on Quantum and Classical Cryogenic Devices, Circuits, and Systems 2023)
(第32回日本赤外線学会研究発表会 2023)
Gain analysis of kinetic-inductance traveling-wave parametric amplifier at 4 Kelvin
(Inter-Academia 2023 2023)
more... Education (2): - - 2001 The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- - 2001 The Graduate University for Advanced Studies School of Mathematical and Physical Science Department of Astronomical Science
Professional career (1): Committee career (6): Awards (3): - 2017/04 - 電気通信普及財団
- 2010/04 - 第14回超伝導科学技術賞 (課題名:ALMA巨大電波望遠鏡バンド10用極低雑音超伝導ヘテロダイン受信機の開発)
- 2003/08 - 応用物理学会講演奨励賞 (課題名:窒化ニオブを用いたテラヘルツ帯導波管型SISミクサ)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 電子情報通信学会
, 応用物理学会
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