J-GLOBAL ID:201001087102535364
Update date: Aug. 23, 2022
Kamikubo Masato
カミクボ マサト | Kamikubo Masato
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (2):
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (2):
International relations
, Politics
Research keywords (1):
Policy science, Political science, Contemporary Japanese politics, International political economy,
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2008 - 2010 A Comparative Institutional Analysis of Monetary Policy-making between Japan and China
- 2008 - 2008 Bureaucracy and the Initiative of Prime Minister's Office: A Case of Diplomatic Policy Change under the Koizumi Administration
Papers (29):
Masato Kamikubo. Age of eligibility to run election in Japan: a barrier to political careers?. Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies. 2019
Masato Kamikubo. The Policy-making Process of "New Security Law": Liberal Group has Progressed Japan's Security Policy. Policy Science 『政策科学』24巻4号(2017):111-125頁。. 2017. 24. 4. 111-125-125
上久保誠人, 三宅綾香. エネルギーと福祉の循環型ネットワーク形成と紛争回-ロシア・サハリン州を事例として-. 地域情報研究. 2017. 6. 25-35
Ayaka Miyake, Masato Kamikubo. Creation of a Circulatory Energy and Welfare Regional Network and Avoidance of Conflict: the Case of Russia's Sakhalin Oblast. Journal of Policy Science. 2017. 2017. 11. 23-35
Masato Kamikubo. PacNet #18 - Sharing the wealth to melt the ice: Japan and Russia. PacNet Newsletter, Center for Strategic and Internatinal Studies (CSIS). 2017. 2017. 18
Books (10):
”Japan as a Developmental State: The Need for a New Approach”, in Stein Kuhnle and Sven E.O. Hort eds., Globalizing Welfare.
Edward Elger 2019
志學社 2019 ISBN:9784904180976
Gyakusetsu no Chiseigaku (Geopolitical Paradox)
Kouyou Shobou 2018 ISBN:9784771030244
「アイスランド-遅れてきた北欧福祉国家の先進性と異質性」 『北欧福祉国家は持続可能か:多元性と政策協調のゆくえ』
ミネルヴァ書房 2017 ISBN:9784623075355
ミネルヴァ書房 2017 ISBN:9784623075355
Lectures and oral presentations (40):
(3月20日 立命館大学OICキャンパス: 2018年度地域情報研究所報告会: 『現代の地域と社会科学の役割-現代地域科学の確立に向けて-』 2019)
(『東北財経大学公共管理学院・立命館大学政策科学部 第4回共催国際シンポジウム 「人口減少社会におけるアジアの都市の政策的戦略」』 2017)
(日本公共政策学会関西支部第10回研究大会 公開シンポジウム『日本の資源外交の政策評価』 2017)
Business Power for Demicratisation: Lesson From Japan
(Comparative Asian Research Network (CARN), Department of Japanese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong 2016)
(北東アジア・エネルギー研究センター(CESNA)第3回研究会 2016)
Works (20):
Special lecture: Waseda University, School of International Liberal Studies "Liberal Democratic Party as a New Model of Political Party in Democratic States"
2019 -
特別講義 明治大学国際日本学部「政治入門:大学生の政治参加を考える」
2019 -
"PacNet #67 - Abe's Election Weakness: Could Constitutional Wrangling Hurt Japan's Diplomacy?"
2018 -
特別講義 立命館宇治高校「現代社会探求:若者の政治参加について」
2018 -
特別講義 明治大学国際日本学部「政治入門:大学生は政治のどこをみるべきか」
2018 -
Education (4):
- - 2006 University of Warwick Graduate School, Department of Poitics and International Studies PhD in Politics and International Studies
- - 2001 University of Warwick Graduate School, Department of Politics and International Studies MA in Politics
- - 1991 Waseda University School of Literature No. 1 "Humanities Major, Department of Philosophy"
- - 1987 Ozu High School
Professional career (3):
- BA in Literature (Waseda University)
- MA in Politics (University of Warwick)
- Ph. D in Politics and International Studies (University of Warwick)
Work history (10):
- 2010/04/01 - 2012/03/31 Senior Research Fellow, Waseda University Global COE Programme: Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration
- 2010/04/01 - Associate Professor, College of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University
- 2009/09/01 - 2010/03/31 Assistant Professor, Waseda University Global COE Programme: Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration
- 2009/04/01 - 2010/03/31 Lecturer, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University
- 2008/04/01 - 2010/03/31 Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Rikkyo University (St. Paul's University)
- 2009/09/01 - Research Fellow, Waseda University Institute for Asia-Pacific Studies
- 2007/11/01 - 2009/08/31 Research Fellow, Waseda University Global COE Programme: Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration
- 2008/09/21 - 2009/03/31 Lecturer, International Division, Waseda University
- 2007/11/01 - Visiting Research Fellow, Organisation for Asian Studies, Waseda University
- 1991/04/01 - 1999/06/30 Itochu Corporation (C. Itoh and Co., Ltd.)
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Association Membership(s) (4):
Political Studies Association
, British Association of Japanese Studies
, The Japanese Association of International Relations
, Japanese Political Science Association
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