J-GLOBAL ID:201001097275103813   Update date: Jan. 25, 2025

Kensuke Ohashi

オオハシ ケンスケ | Kensuke Ohashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Chief Surgeon
Research field  (1): General surgery, pediatric surgery
Research keywords  (3): pediatric urology ,  neonatal surgery ,  pediatric surgery
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2014 - 2017 Discovering the etiology and new therapy for gastrointestinal disorders on extremely low birth weight infants.
  • 2012 - 2014 Analysis of mouse tumor-related genes for human neuroblastoma using MassARRAY
  • 2010 - 2012 Investigation of Imprinting mechanism between Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and Wilms tumor
  • 2009 - 2011 神経芽腫におけるMYCN遺伝子を標的としたPIポリアミドの抗腫瘍効果に関する研究
Papers (96):
  • Go Miyano, Takayuki Masuko, Kensuke Ohashi, Atsushi Hamano, Kazuto Suda, Shogo Seo, Takanori Ochi, Hiroyuki Koga, Geoffrey J Lane, Minoru Tada, et al. Recovery of bowel function after transperitoneal or retroperitoneal laparoscopic pyeloplasty. A multi-center study. Pediatric surgery international. 2021. 37. 12. 1791-1795
  • 大橋 研介, 多田 実, 堀 祐太郎, 後藤 俊平, 渡邊 揚介, 吉澤 信輔, 石塚 悦昭, 小林 堅一郎. 重複陰茎の一例. 日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌. 2021. 30. 1. 66-70
  • Shigeki Ishioka, Takashi Hosokawa, Taro Ikeda, Noriyoshi Konuma, Hide Kaneda, Kensuke Ohashi, Takeshi Furuya, Takayuki Masuko, Hiroaki Taniguchi, Koichiro Kano, et al. Therapeutic potential of mature adipocyte-derived dedifferentiated fat cells for inflammatory bowel disease. Pediatric surgery international. 2020. 36. 7. 799-807
  • Wataru Miura, Nobuhiko Nagano, Ryota Kato, Aya Okahashi, Kayo Yoshikawa, Kensuke Ohashi, Tsugumichi Koshinaga, Ichiro Morioka. Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease and Eicosapentaenoic Acid/Arachidonic Acid Ratio. Indian journal of pediatrics. 2019. 86. 6. 548-550
  • Reina Hoshi, Shuichiro Uehara, Kako Ono, Kensuke Ohashi, Tsugumichi Koshinaga. Management for H-type anorectal malformation with rectourethral and rectoscrotal fistula. Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society. 2019. 61. 3. 312-313
MISC (92):
  • 武井 悠, 古市 美穂子, 出口 薫太朗, 大橋 研介, 菅沼 栄介. 小児病院泌尿器科における抗菌薬適正使用支援導入前後の静注抗菌薬使用量と耐性菌検出率の検討. 日本小児感染症学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2021. 53回. 203-203
  • 森下 俊真, 遠藤 翔太, 武政 洋一, 大貫 裕太, 櫻谷 浩志, 大橋 研介, 藤永 周一郎. 膀胱尿管逆流症が慢性腎臓病の進展に寄与する因子の検討. 日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌. 2021. 30. 2. 208-208
  • 遠藤 翔太, 森下 俊真, 武政 洋一, 大貫 裕太, 櫻谷 浩志, 藤永 周一郎, 大橋 研介. 腎盂尿管移行部狭窄の高度水腎症の乳児における手術と非手術群の検討. 日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌. 2021. 30. 2. 213-213
  • 吉澤 信輔, 大橋 研介, 石塚 悦昭, 多田 実, 石丸 哲也, 川嶋 寛, 小林 堅一郎, 堀 祐太郎. 膀胱のHeight to Width ratioは直腸肛門奇形の神経因性膀胱発症予測因子となる. 日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌. 2021. 30. 2. 226-226
  • 大橋 研介, 吉澤 信輔, 石塚 悦昭, 堀 祐太郎, 小林 堅一郎, 多田 実. 当科における遠位尿道下裂の治療成績(TIP vs DIG). 日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌. 2021. 30. 2. 250-250
Lectures and oral presentations  (3):
  • New "Sutureless" Ileostomy for Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants
    (44th Annual Meeting, Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons 2011)
  • Tolerated oral feedings and elevated serum direct bilirubin level: Rare presentations of duodenal atresia with an anomalous biliary system
    (42th Annual meetings of Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons 2009)
  • Video-Assisted Transumbilical Appendectomy: A New Technique Providing Cosmetic and Ecological Benefits
    (41st Annual Meeting, Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons 2008)
Education (1):
  • 2001 - 2005 Nihon University Graduate School, Division of Medicine Physiology
Professional career (1):
  • 医学博士 (日本大学)
Work history (5):
  • 2020/04 - Saitama Children's Medical Center Urology
  • 2016/09/01 - Nihon University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery 助教
  • 2015/09/01 - 2016/08/31 Saitama Children's Medical Center Department of Urology 医長
  • 2008/04/01 - Department of Pediatric Surgery, Nihon University School of Medicine
  • Nihon University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, - Assistant Professor
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本周産期・新生児医学会 ,  日本小児泌尿器科学会 ,  日本小児外科学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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