Takuma Kumamoto, Ken-ichi Toma, Gunadi, Bin Chen, Carina Hanashima. Foxg1 coordinates the early transition of temporal cell identity in the cerebral cortex. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE. 2012. 30. 8. 679-679
Carina Hanashima, Takuma Kumamoto, Ken-ichi Touma. Foxg1 coordinates the timing of projection neuron production in the cerebral cortex. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2011. 71. E227-E227
Takuma Kumamoto, Gunadi Gunadi, Ken-ichi Mizutani, Carina Hanashima. Foxg1 regulates the onset of projection neuron production in the neocortex. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2010. 68. E370-E370
Yuko Gonda, Masayuki Sekiguchi, Hidenori Tabata, Takashi Namba, Keiji Wada, Kazunori Nakajima, Carina Hanashima, Shigeo Uchino, Shinichi Kohsaka. Robo1 regulates the morphological development of pyramidal neurons in the mouse neocortex. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2010. 68. E63-E63
Establishing neuronal identity in the cerebral cortex.
(Volga Neuroscience Meeting 2016)
Mechanisms that establish neuronal identity in the cerebral cortex.
(3rd International Symposium on ‘Neocortical Organization 2016)
A two-step regulatory mechanism determine the timing of upper-layer neurogenesiss in the cerebral cortex.
(Neuroscience2015 2015)
Integrative mechanisms of layer IV neuron development in the neocortex.
(Neuroscience2015第38回日本神経科学大会 2015)
Neuronal fate specification in establishing the neocortex. Symposium on ‘Vertebrate brains: Structure, Function and Evolution’
(The 48th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Developmental Biologists. 2015)
2017/04 - 現在 Waseda University Facuity of Education and Integrated Arts and science Associate Professor
2014/04 - 2018/03 Kobe University School of Medicine
2014/11 - 2017/03 RIKEN
2008/10 - 2017/03 Kobe University Graduate School of Science, Division of Biology
2015/04 - 2016/03 Osaka University School of Engineering Science Direct Affiliates
2012/04 - 2015/03 Nara Women's University
2007/09 - 2014/11 理化学研究所 発生・再生科学総合研究センター チームリーダー
2002/10 - 2007/08 ニューヨーク大学 スカーボール研究所 研究員
1999/10 - 2002/09 米国メモリアル・スローンケタリング癌センター 研究員
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Awards (1):
2012/10 - Asia-Pacific Developmental Biology Conference APDBC Poster Award Foxg1 Coordinates the Switch from Non-Radially to Radially Migrating Glutamatergic Subtypes in the Neocortex through Spatiotemporal Repression.