J-GLOBAL ID:201101001546497782
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Toru Tsuji
Toru Tsuji
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Project Senior Assistant Professor / Project Assistant Professor / Project Lecturer
Homepage URL (1): http://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/r/40348850 Research field (3):
Functional solid-state chemistry
, Applied biochemistry
, Biochemistry
Research keywords (8):
, バイオマテリアル
, ナノバイオ
, 進化分子工学
, ハイドロキシアパタイト
, タンパク質工学
, 自己組織化
, 移植再生医療
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2009 - 2009 多方向進化タンパク質群による硬組織形成システムの創出と理解
- 2009 - 2009 環境に負荷をかけない医工学生体材料の構築技術の開発
- 2006 - 2008 Creation of novel multi-functional proteins based on exon shuffling hypoth
Papers (23): - Toru Tsuji, Kazuo Onuma, Akira Yamamoto, Mayumi Iijima, Kiyotaka Shiba. Physicochemical properties of artificial proteins that accelerate nucleation of crystalline calcium phosphate. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH. 2011. 314. 1. 190-195
- Tsuji Toru, Shiba Kiyotaka. Morphological Evolution of Calcium Phosphate Crystals with the Assistance of Motif-Programmed Artificial Proteins. Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan. 2011. in press. 4. 825-827
- Toru Tsuji, Kazuo Onuma, Akira Yamamoto, Mayumi Iijima, Kiyotaka Shiba. Physicochemical properties of artificial proteins that accelerate nucleation of crystalline calcium phosphate. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH. 2011. 314. 1. 190-195
- Nobutaka Matsumura, Toru Tsuji, Takeshi Sumida, Masahito Kokubo, Michiko Onimaru, Nobuhide Doi, Hideaki Takashima, Etsuko Miyamoto-Sato, Hiroshi Yanagawa. mRNA display selection of a high-affinity, Bcl-X-L-specific binding peptide. FASEB JOURNAL. 2010. 24. 7. 2201-2210
- Tsuji T, Oaki Y, Yoshinari M, Kato T, Shiba K. Motif-programmed proteins mediated nucleation of octacalcium phosphate on the titanium substrates. Chem. Comm. 2010. 46. 36. 6675-6677
more... MISC (29): - Toru Tsuji, Kazuo Onuma, Akira Yamamoto, Mayumi Iijima, Kiyotaka Shiba. Physicochemical properties of artificial proteins that accelerate nucleation of crystalline calcium phosphate. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH. 2011. 314. 1. 190-195
- Nobutaka Matsumura, Toru Tsuji, Takeshi Sumida, Masahito Kokubo, Michiko Onimaru, Nobuhide Doi, Hideaki Takashima, Etsuko Miyamoto-Sato, Hiroshi Yanagawa. mRNA display selection of a high-affinity, Bcl-X-L-specific binding peptide. FASEB JOURNAL. 2010. 24. 7. 2201-2210
- Tsuji Toru, Shiba Kiyotaka. Morphological Evolution of Calcium Phosphate Crystals with the Assistance of Motif-Programmed Artificial Proteins. Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan. 2010. 35. 4. in press-827
- Matsui A, Tsuji T, Funahashi M, Kato T. High hole mobility of a side-chain liquid-crystalline polysiloxane copolymer with a pendant terthiophene moiety. Chem. Eur. J. 2010. in press
- Takuma Yasuda, Kana Tanabe, Toru Tsuji, Karla K. Coti, Ivan Aprahamian, J. Fraser Stoddart, Takashi Kato. A redox-switchable [2]rotaxane in a liquid-crystalline state. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2010. 46. 8. 1224-1226
more... Books (3): - Biomineralization
- Bioinspiration
Springer 2010
- バイオゲノムを読む辞典 サーマルサイクラー
東洋経済新報社 2004
Lectures and oral presentations (53): -
(理研「バイオものづくり」シンポジウム」 2011)
(低温科学研究所共同利用「その場観察と理論による氷結晶成長カイネティクスの解明」 2011)
モチーフプログラム化人工蛋白質による チタン基板のOCPコーティング
(日本バイオマテリアル学会 2010)
(東京工業大学セラミックスセミナー 2010)
Motif-Programmed Artificial Proteins with Mineralization Activities
(International Conference of Crystal Growth 16 2010)
more... Professional career (1): Work history (6): Return to Previous Page