Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
2020 - 2023 キイロショウジョウバエの嗅覚系脳神経の求愛行動における機能の研究
2017 - 2019 セロトニンによる5-HT2A受容体を介した摂食量調節機構の解明
2017 - ショウジョウバエを用いた幼若ホルモン産生調節機構の研究
2014 - 2016 ショウジョウバエの感覚情報統合処理経路の解明
2014 - 北大総長室事業推進経費
2014 - 海産軟体動物の脳構造の研究
2012 - 2013 嗅覚系をモデルにした行動選択時の感覚情報処理機構の研究
2010 - 2013 脳の内的環境を制御する神経伝達機構
2010 - 2011 フェロモン情報の脳内統合処理機構の研究
2009 - 2011 京都大学若手研究者スタートアップ研究費
2010 - 日本学術振興会 国際学会等派遣事業
2009 - 加藤記念財団 国際交流助成
2005 - 2006 学術振興会 海外特別研究員
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Papers (23):
Kazuaki Ikeda, Masaki Kataoka, Nobuaki K. Tanaka. Non-synaptic transmission mediates light context-dependent odor responses in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Neuroscience. 2022. In Press
Nobuaki K Tanaka, Takashi Hirao, Hikaru Chida, Aki Ejima. A Sexually Dimorphic Olfactory Neuron Mediates Fixed Action Transition during Courtship Ritual in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Neuroscience. 2021. 41. 9732-9741
Masato Koseki, Nobuaki K. Tanaka, Shigeyuki Koshikawa. The color pattern inducing gene wingless is expressed in specific cell types of campaniform sensilla of a polka-dotted fruit fly, Drosophila guttifera. Development Genes and Evolution. 2021. 231. 3-4. 85-93
Vanessa M. Lopes, Eduardo Sampaio, Katina Roumbedakis, Nobuaki K. Tanaka, Lucia Carulla, Guillermo Gambus, Theodosia Woo, Catarina P. P. Martins, Virginie Penicaud, Colette Gibbings, et al. Cephalopod biology and care, a COST FA1301 (CephsInAction) training school: anaesthesia and scientific procedures. INVERTEBRATE NEUROSCIENCE. 2017. 17. 3. 8
Tachibana S-I, Tanaka NK, Ejima A. Real-time imaging of the plastic response in an odorant receptor neuron for olfactory pheromone habituation. Journal of Neurogenetics. 2012. 26. Suppl 1. 11
Liria M. Masuda-Nakagawa, Nobuaki K. Tanaka, Kei Ito, Cahir J. O'Kane. Connectivity in the larval mushroom body calyx, a secondary olfactory center of Drosophila. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2007. 58. S218-S218
Books (3):
細胞工学 2015
実験医学 2014
東京化学同人 2013
Lectures and oral presentations (15):
A sexually dimorphic olfactory neuron mediates fixed action transition during courtship ritual in Drosophila melanogaster
(Insect Olfaction and Taste in 24 Hours around the Globe 2021)
(第1回イカタコ研究会 2018)
(第1回イカタコ研究会 2018)
Three-dimensional brain atlas of pygmy squid, Idiosepius paradoxus, revealing the largest relative vertical lobe system among the cephalopods
(Janelia Conference "Neuro-evo: A Comparative Approach to Cracking Circuit Function II" 2018)
Olfactory system of Drosophila and Cephalopod nervous system
(Hyderabad Neuroscience Symposium 2015)