Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
2016 - 現在 Approximate calculation of air group refractive index using numerical differentiation
2015 - 現在 Influence of random noise on point to specify distance information
2014 - 現在 Analysis of Ground Glass Surfaces
2011 - 現在 Femtosecond Optical Frequency Comb based length traceability system
2019 - 2022 Development of real-time high-precision optical gauge using pulse train spacing length
2017 - 2019 計測要求に能動的なインライン絶対測長器の開発
2014 - 2015 長さ標準になった光コムを用いた計測現場用高精度校正システムの開発
2013 - 2015 The development of optical chamber which can maintain temperature and absolute air refractive index using geometrical path compensation
2011 - 2012 Development of real-time, high-precision air fluctuation correction system for length calibration via net using optical frequency comb
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Papers (119):
Naru Hasegawa, Taketo Miura, Dong Wei. Detecting white interference fringes in noisy conditions via supervised learning neural networks. Results in Optics. 2024. 16. 100725-100725
Dong Wei, Taketo Miura. Matched filter processing to improve measuring accuracy of interferometric fringe analysis using a multi-pulse train interferometer. Results in Optics. 2023. 13. 100511-100511
Dong Wei, Taketo Miura. A super-zoom algorithm for envelope peak position resolution using discrete Fourier transform with multiple-warped time-sampling point calculations. Results in Optics. 2023. 11. 100422-100422
Dong Wei, Hayato Noguchi. Noise reduction method in both time and frequency domains for envelope peak position extraction of pulse-train interferometry measuring distance between interference fringes. Optics Communications. 2022. 523. 128730-128730
Statistical Analysis of Ground Glass Surfaces
(Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology 2017 2017)
(OPJ2017 2017)
Numerical investigation on refractive index compensation performance of three-color method
(The 13th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments - ISMTII 2017 2017)
Calculation of group refractive index of air by two-point difference approximation for length measurement
(The Twelfth Japan-Finland Joint Symposium on Optics in Engineering 2017)
2021/09 - 現在 Nagaoka University of Technology Graduate School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
2013/04 - 2021/08 Nagaoka University of Technology Graduate School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
2011/04 - 2013/03 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering
Awards (11):
2017/11 - 7th ASPEN(Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology) Best Paper Award A New Demodulation Method for Sinusoidal Frequency/Phase Modulation Interferometer without a Lock-in Amplifier
2012/03/01 - FY 2011 Konica Minolta image science Progress Award
2011/11/01 - 4th ASPEN(Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology) 2011 Best Paper Award
2011/07/01 - 25th Open up high-tech creativity Award ( Minister of Education Prize )
2011/04/01 - Sasakawa Award for Scientific Research
2011/03/31 - Dean Award, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2010/09/10 - 10th ISMQC(International Symposium on Measurement and Quality Control) 2010 Outstanding Paper Award
2010/04/01 - GMSI outstanding RA Award
2006/03/27 - MEGUROKAI prize award
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Association Membership(s) (6):
Japan Precision Engineering Society
, Japan Society of Applied Physics
, SPIE - the international society for optics and photonics
, Japan Society of Applied Physics
, Japan Precision Engineering Society
, Optical Society of Japan