2019 - 2022 Exploration for the mechanism(s) underlying pain generation and disease progression in osteoarthritis through the analysis of human samples obtained during flare condition.
2018 - 2021 Exploration of possible pathogenic factors released from osteoarthritic cartilage
2017 - 2020 Exploration of the mechanisms underlying synovial changes in osteoarthritic through comprehensive analysis of signal transduction pathways.
2017 - 2019 Exploration for the mechanism(s) underlying synovial change in OA through the analysis of miRNA expression
2012 - 2015 Molecular mechanisms of site-related differences of sarcopenia in Japanese women
2011 - 2014 Identification of factors that promote synovial pathology in osteoarthritic joints
2011 - 2013 Changes in expression of proteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in advance of osteoarthritis
2009 - 2011 Epigenetic modification of micro RNA expression in serrated polyp-carcinoma pathway
2008 - 2010 T cell receptor analysis in oral lichen planus
2008 - 2010 Exploration of possible catabolic factors in osteoarthritis through the analysis of large numbers of human samples.
2009 - 2009 変形性関節症罹患軟骨の層間の比較によるタンパク分解酵素発現機序の解明
2007 - 2008 Investigation for the mechanism of shedding for tumor necrosis factor-α and its pathological significance in rheumatoid arthritis
2007 - 2008 軟骨基質の異化の包括的な制御による変形性関節症の進行抑制に関する基礎的研究
2006 - 2007 An exploratory research for prevention of chondrocyte dedifferentiation and treatment for osteoarthritis through the regulation of integrin actitivy
2005 - 2007 下肢スポーツ障害における骨盤アライメント(alignment)の影響と評価
2005 - 2005 軟骨細胞のシグナル伝達制御による変形性関節症の治療に関する先駆的研究
2004 - 2005 Identification of specific expressed genes of inflammatory Osteoclasts in joints of reheumatoid arthritis patients
2003 - 2005 Analysis of functional disturbance of chondroctyes in oseoarthritis and establishment of new therapeutic strategies for the disease.
2004 - 2004 Sox遺伝子の導入による変形性関節症の治療に関する先駆的研究
1998 - 2000 The Studies Regarding Gene Transfer for the Ligament Healing with Adenovirus Vector
1997 - 1999 Stimulatory effects of fibroblast growth facor-2 on bone formation and bone resorption
1996 - 1997 Effect of Exogenous Growth Factors on Ligament Healing
1993 - 1995 Effect of Local Administration of Extracellular Molecules on Ligament Healing