J-GLOBAL ID:201101035578577267   Update date: May. 28, 2024

Touhara Kazushige

トウハラ カズシゲ | Touhara Kazushige
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://park.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/biological-chemistry/
Research field  (5): Biophysics ,  Neuroscience - general ,  Bioorganic chemistry ,  Functional biochemistry ,  Medical biochemistry
Research keywords  (29): 包括脳ネットワーク ,  脳プロ ,  ESP1 ,  嗅覚レセプタ- ,  c-Fos ,  遺伝子発現誘導 ,  ペプチド ,  ショウジョウバエ ,  リガンド ,  遺伝子発現制御 ,  アデノウイルス ,  誘引 ,  フェロモン受容体 ,  精子 ,  センサー ,  情報伝達 ,  再構成 ,  構造決定 ,  カイコ ,  Gタンパク質 ,  嗅覚受容体 ,  カルシウム ,  昆虫 ,  鋤鼻器官 ,  嗅覚 ,  マウス ,  匂い ,  受容体 ,  フェロモン
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (25):
  • 2018 - 2023 Identification of primer pheromones in mammals and elucidation of a neural basis for the pheromone action
  • 2019 - 2023 香りの機能拡張によるヒューメインな社会の実現
  • 2015 - 2018 Elucidation of a transmitting mechanism of the information of odorants and pheromones, based on the fMRI analysis of the olfactory bulb and the higher-order brain regions and the behavior analysis
  • 2015 - 2018 Integrative sensory evolution in primates revealed by population genetic analysis of olfactory, taste, and color vision receptor genes
  • 2014 - 2017 MRI analysis of olfactory neurocircuits that discriminate odor and pheromone signals
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Papers (112):
  • Miwa Masuda, Sayoko Ihara, Naoki Mori, Tetsuya Koide, Nobuhiko Miyasaka, Noriko Wakisaka, Keiichi Yoshikawa, Hidenori Watanabe, Kazushige Touhara, Yoshihiro Yoshihara. Identification of olfactory alarm substances in zebrafish. Current biology : CB. 2024. 34. 7. 1377-1389
  • Nanaho Fukuda, Tomoyuki Fukuda, Piergiorgio Percipalle, Kanako Oda, Nobuyuki Takei, Kevin Czaplinski, Kazushige Touhara, Yoshihiro Yoshihara, Toshikuni Sasaoka. Axonal mRNA binding of hnRNP A/B is crucial for axon targeting and maturation of olfactory sensory neurons. Cell Reports. 2023. 42. 5. 112398-112398
  • Satoshi Morinaga, Koji Nagata, Sayoko Ihara, Tomohiro Yumita, Yoshihito Niimura, Koji Sato, Kazushige Touhara. Structural model for ligand binding and channel opening of an insect gustatory receptor. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2022
  • Takumi Itakura, Ken Murata, Kazunari Miyamichi, Kentaro K. Ishii, Yoshihiro Yoshihara, Kazushige Touhara. A single vomeronasal receptor promotes intermale aggression through dedicated hypothalamic neurons. Neuron. 2022. 110. 15. 2455-2469.e8
  • Kobi Snitz, Danielle Honigstein, Reut Weissgross, Aharon Ravia, Eva Mishor, Ofer Perl, Shiri Karagach, Abebe Medhanie, Nir Harel, Sagit Shushan, et al. An olfactory self-test effectively screens for COVID-19. Communications Medicine. 2022. 2. 1. 34-34
MISC (152):
  • 伊原さよ子, 岡本雅子, 白須未香, 東原和成. 香りのヒューメインな有効活用に向けた嗅覚基礎研究の進展. アロマリサーチ. 2022. 23. 2. 3-8
  • 岡本雅子, 東原和成. Human Olfaction Has Full of ”Unknowns”: Approaches for its Study. 季刊香料. 2022. 293
  • 東原和成. 嗅覚研究に基づく香りの意義と応用. ファルマシア. 2021. 57. 3. 167-167
  • 板倉拓海, 東原和成. 嗅覚受容の分子メカニズム. Clinical Neuroscience. 2021. 39. 2. 154-158
  • 白須未香, 伊藤聡美, 糸井川壮大, 今井啓雄, 東原和成. ワオキツネザルのメスを惹き付けるオスの匂いを同定. アロマリサーチ. 2020. 21. 3. 264-265
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