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J-GLOBAL ID:201101063432809712   Update date: Apr. 02, 2024

Oka Yuichiro

Oka Yuichiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 講師
Other affiliations (1):
  • 大学院医学系研究科解剖学講座(神経機能形態学)  講師
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.anat2.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/index.html
Research field  (1): Neuroanatomy and physiology
Research keywords  (4): 嗅覚系 ,  包括脳ネットワーク ,  神経回路形成 ,  大脳皮質発生
Papers (20):
  • Yuichiro Oka, Makoto Sato, Shen-Ju Chou. Editorial: The earliest-born cortical neurons as multi-tasking pioneers: expanding roles for subplate neurons in cerebral cortex organization and function, volume II. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023. 17. 1211678-1211678
  • Manabu Taniguchi, Misaki Iwahashi, Yuichiro Oka, Sheena Y. X. Tiong, Makoto Sato. Fezf2-positive fork cell-like neurons in the mouse insular cortex. PLOS ONE. 2022. 17. 9. e0274170-e0274170
  • Miyuki Doi, Yuichiro Oka, Manabu Taniguchi, Makoto Sato. Transient expansion of the expression region of Hsd11b1, encoding 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1, in the developing mouse neocortex. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2021. 159. 4. 778-788
  • Yuichiro Oka, Miyuki Doi, Manabu Taniguchi, Sheena Y X Tiong, Hisanori Akiyama, Takuto Yamamoto, Tokuichi Iguchi, Makoto Sato. Interstitial Axon Collaterals of Callosal Neurons Form Association Projections from the Primary Somatosensory to Motor Cortex in Mice. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2021. 31. 11. 5225-5238
  • Tokuichi Iguchi, Yuichiro Oka, Misato Yasumura, Minoru Omi, Kazuki Kuroda, Hideshi Yagi, Min-Jue Xie, Manabu Taniguchi, Martin Bastmeyer, Makoto Sato. Mutually Repulsive EphA7-EfnA5 Organize Region-to-Region Corticopontine Projection by Inhibiting Collateral Extension. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2021. 41. 22. 4795-4808
MISC (4):
  • Yuichiro Oka. Development of Inter-areal Association Projections in the Cerebral Cortex. BRAIN and NERVE. 2022. 74. 9. 1125-1133
  • 岡 雄一郎, 佐藤 真. 巧緻運動の基盤をなす大脳皮質内長連合線維の形成と発達. 子どものこころと脳の発達. 2021. 12. 1. 3-9
  • Oka Y, Korsching SI. The fifth element in animal Galpha protein evolution. Communicative & integrative biology. 2009. 2. 227-229
  • 坪井昭夫, 岡 雄一郎, 坂野 仁. マウス嗅覚系の発生と分化 -レセプターの選択と軸索投射-. 実験医学(増刊). 2005. 23. 1. 133-142
Books (3):
  • 発達障がい : 病態から支援まで
    朝倉書店 2022 ISBN:9784254301250
  • 脳科学辞典「皮質版」
    脳科学辞典編集委員会 2013
  • 脳科学辞典「蓋板」
    脳科学辞典編集委員会 2013
Lectures and oral presentations  (33):
  • マウス大脳皮質5a層連合ニューロンによる回路形成の解析
    (第129回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会 2024)
  • Development of cortico-cortical projections as an interstitial collateral from callosal projections of the intra-telencephalic (IT)-type neurons in the mouse somatosensory cortex
    (IBRO 2023 (11th IBRO world congress of neuroscience) 2023)
  • Cortico-cortical projections of the intra-telencephalic (IT)-type neurons in layers 2/3 and 5a in the mouse cerebral cortex are formed as an interstitial collateral from callosal projections
  • サブプレートニューロンによる領野間回路: その形成と機能の解明に向けて
    (AMED「健康・医療の向上に向けた早期ライフステージにおける生命現象の解明」領域 「サブプレート神経活動のダイナミズムによる脳神経回路の発達機構」第2回研究班会議 2023)
  • Inter-areal axon projections of cortical neurons in the mouse primary somatosensory cortex develop as interstitial axon collaterals
    (OIST Workshop "Neural System Assembly" 2023)
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(理学) (東京大学)
Work history (5):
  • 2016/10 - 現在 Osaka University
  • 2013/10 - 2016/09 Osaka University
  • 2011/04 - 2013/09 University of Fukui
  • 2004/09 - 2011/04 ドイツ・ケルン大学 (ポスドク)
  • 1993/04 - 2004/09 The University of Tokyo
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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