J-GLOBAL ID:201101073763902432
Update date: Aug. 27, 2024 HATTORI Hiromitsu
ハットリ ヒロミツ | HATTORI Hiromitsu
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://hatto.org Research field (1):
Intelligent informatics
Research keywords (4):
, 社会シミュレーション
, マルチエージェントシミュレーション
, マルチエージェントシステム
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12): - 2022 - 2026 The Shape of Human Life Explored in Science and Science Fiction
- 2022 - 2026 The Shape of Human Life Explored in Science and Science Fiction
- 2021 - 2024 Interdisciplinary Research on Ethical Transformations of Cities
- 2019 - 2022 Legislation based on Multi-Agent Simulation for Re-Design of AI Society
- 2019 - 2022 Optimization of freeway traffic flow with exogenous control of autonomous vehicles
- 2015 - 2017 Dialogue Platform and Value Synthesis for AI Ethics and Systems
- 2012 - 2017 World-Wide Sustainable Language Service Infrastructure Based on Multi-Agent Model
- 2012 - 2014 Research on Prediction Technology for the Introduction of Renewable Energy based on Multi-Agent Simulation
- 2012 - 2012 マルチエージェントモデルに基づく持続可能な言語サービス基盤のアジア展開
- 2009 - 2011 Research on human behavior modeling for massively multi-agent traffic simulation
- 2009 - 2011 Research on Collective Intelligence Based on Services Computing
- 2006 - 2008 Research on participatory design using massively multi-agent systems
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Papers (11): - Itsuki Noda, Nobuyasu Ito, Kiyoshi Izumi, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hideki Mizuta, Tomio Kamada, Yohsuke Murase, Sachiko Yoshihama, Hiromitsu Hattori. Roadmap for Multiagent Social Simulation on HPC. 2015. 22-25
服部宏充, 石田亨, 中島悠. 参加型シミュレーション. システム/制御/情報. 2012. 56. 2. 84-89
藤田桂英, 伊藤孝行, 服部宏充. 複数論点交渉問題におけるエージェントの効用空間の公開範囲に基づく交渉手段の実現. コンピュータソフトウェア(日本ソフトウェア科学会論文誌). 2008. 25. 4. 167-180
Takayuki Ito, Mark Klein, Hiromitsu Hattori. A multi-issue negotiation protocol among agents with nonlinear utility functions. Multiagent and Grid Systems. 2008. 4. 1. 67-83
Takayuki Ito, Mark Klein, Hiromitsu Hattori. A multi-issue negotiation protocol among nonlinear utility agents: A preliminary report. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2008. 89. 25-38
more... MISC (4): -
江間 有沙, 服部 宏充, 市瀬 龍太郎, 小町 守, 中澤 篤志, 駒谷 和範, 米澤 朋子, 野田 五十樹, 荒川 豊, 馬場 雪乃, et al. Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence/Robotics and Work/Employment. Working Paper Series(情報理工) = Working Paper Series(情報理工). 2018. 1-138
- FUJITA Katsuhide, ITO Takayuki, HATTORI Hiromitsu. Using Autonomous Threshold Adjustment to Enable Multi-Party Negotiations with Multiple Interdependent Issues. IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS. 2007. 2007. 106. 41-48
HATTORI Hiromitsu, ITO Takayuki, KLEIN Mark. An Auction-Based Negotiation Protocol for Agents with Nonlinear Utility Functions. The IEICE transactions on information and systems. 2006. 89. 12. 2648-2660
A location transparency method for mobile agents and application of agents' distributed system. 2004. 18. 1-4
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 2020/04 - 現在 Ritsumeikan University College of Information Science and Engineering Professor
- 2014/04 - 2020/03 Ritsumeikan University College of Information Science and Engineering Associate Professor
- 2007/04 - 2014/03 Kyoto University Graduate School of Informatics Assistant Professor
- 2004/04 - 2007/03 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(PD)
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