J-GLOBAL ID:201101074798671626
Update date: Mar. 06, 2025 Yasuda Jun
ヤスダ ジュン | Yasuda Jun
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Director, Research Institute
Other affiliations (1): Homepage URL (2): http://db.tohoku.ac.jp/whois/detail/9a9791d0145fe7a9258507e6a9cfa61b.html
http://db.tohoku.ac.jp/whois/e_detail/9a9791d0145fe7a9258507e6a9cfa61b.html Research field (1):
Tumor diagnostics and therapeutics
Research keywords (3):
molecular diagnostics
, molecular oncology
, Genomics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (23): - 2022 - 2025 難治性婦人科癌のマルチオミックス解析による病態解明
- 2022 - 2025 難治性婦人科癌のマルチオミックス解析による病態解明
- 2021 - 2024 Pilot study for identification of familial lung cancer susceptible genes
- 2019 - 2022 The yin and yang of the Warburg effect of tumors.
- 2019 - 2022 Comprehensive genomic and transcriptome analyses to clarify molecular mechanisms contributing to chemoresistance in gynecologic cancer
- 2017 - 2020 Analyses of effects of variants with uncertain significance in the cancer related genes on the carcinogenesis in general population
- 2016 - 2019 T-Cell Receptor repertoire analyses in patients with esophageal cancer
- 2017 - 2019 Analyses of effects of variants with uncertain significance in the cancer related genes on the carcinogenesis in general population
- 2015 - 2018 Clarification of genetic factors of endometriosis onset using Japanese standard genome reference and Japonica array
- 2016 - 2018 食道癌化学放射線療法後に誘導されるT細胞クローン多様性解析と臨床効果に関する研究
- 2015 - 2017 日本人標準ゲノムとジャポニカアレイを用いた子宮内膜症発症の遺伝要因解明
- 2011 - 2015 Development of extensive analyses methods of tumor and cell differentiation related miRNA using
- 2011 - 2014 Development of extensive analyses methods of tumor and cell differentiation related miRNA using
- 2011 - 2013 Investigation of RNA binding proteins that specifically suppress a miRNA maturation in tumor cells.
- 2011 - 2013 Investigation of RNA binding proteins that specifically suppress a miRNA maturation in tumor cells.
- 2007 - 2008 Investigation of tumor suppressive RNAs in homologous deleted chromosomal regions in human lung cancers by syntenic gene trapping
- 2007 - 2008 Investigation of tumor suppressive RNAs in homologous deleted chromosomal regions in human lung cancers by syntenic gene trapping
- 2001 - 2001 Wntシグナル伝達系を負に制御するNLKの癌における細胞生物学的機能の解明
- 2001 - Wntシグナル伝達系を負に制御するNLKの癌における細胞生物学的機能の解明
- 1997 - 1997 AvbitravilyPriwedPCR法によるヒトがんの分子的核型分析法の確立
- 1997 - AvbitravilyPriwedPCR法によるヒトがんの分子的核型分析法の確立
- 1996 - 1996 ヒトArbitrarily-primed PCR産物の染色体内局在決定法の開発
- 1996 - ヒトArbitrarily-primed PCR産物の染色体内局在決定法の開発
Show all
Papers (130): -
Satoshi Souma, Maki Ogawa, Shin Ito, Kazunori Yamaguchi, Haruna Fujimori, Naoki Asano, Koji Ohnuki, Mika Takeuchi, Kazunori Otsuka, Hidekazu Shirota, et al. A case of Li-Fraumeni syndrome caused by a 3.6 kb deletion in the TP53 gene suggested by additional data from the NCC Oncopanel. Japanese journal of clinical oncology. 2025
Shin Ito, Mika Ando, Shuichi Aoki, Satoshi Soma, Jie Zhang, Naohiro Hirano, Ryosuke Kashiwagi, Keigo Murakami, Shingo Yoshimachi, Hideaki Sato, et al. Usefulness of multigene liquid biopsy of bile for identifying driver genes of biliary duct cancers. Cancer science. 2024
Kohsei Hasegawa, Haruna Fujimori, Kohta Nakatani, Masatomo Takahashi, Yoshihiro Izumi, Takeshi Bamba, Mao Nakamura-Shima, Rie Shibuya-Takahashi, Mai Mochizuki, Yuta Wakui, et al. Delta-6 desaturase FADS2 is a tumor-promoting factor in cholangiocarcinoma. Cancer science. 2024. 115. 10. 3346-3357
Nobuo Fuse, Masae Kimura, Ai Shimizu, Seizo Koshiba, Teruhiko Hamanaka, Makoto Nakamura, Nobuo Ishida, Hiroshi Sakai, Yoko Ikeda, Kazuhiko Mori, et al. Mutations of CYP1B1 and FOXC1 genes for childhood glaucoma in Japanese individuals. Japanese journal of ophthalmology. 2024
重田 昌吾, 菱沼 英史, 島田 宗昭, 渋谷 祐介, 湊 敬道, 安田 純, 湊 純子, 橋本 千明, 石橋 ますみ, 小柴 生造, et al. 血中代謝産物に着目した経時的リキッドバイオプシーによる進行再発卵巣癌モニタリング法の開発. 日本婦人科腫瘍学会学術講演会プログラム・抄録集. 2024. 66回. 272-272
more... MISC (36): -
徳永英樹, 安田純, 島田宗昭, 濱中洋平, 重田昌吾, 布施昇男, 勝岡史城, 荻島創一, 荻島創一, 山口由美, et al. Exploration of BRCA1/2 gene variants in a general population cohort and return of genomic results to the participants. 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2022. 81st
- 濱中 洋平, 石田 孝宣, 布施 昇男, 川目 裕, 山口 由美, 安田 純, 多田 寛, 宮下 穣, 原田 成美, 佐藤 章子, et al. 大規模ゲノムコホート調査におけるBRCA1/2遺伝子の病的バリアント保持者への遺伝情報回付に関する課題. 日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集. 2019. 27回. 332-332
菱沼英史, 菱沼英史, 菱沼英史, 成田瑶子, 齋藤さかえ, 前川正充, 赤井文香, 中西悠悦, 安田純, 長崎正朗, et al. 日本人1070人の全ゲノム解析で同定された21種のDihydropyrimidine dehydrogenaseレアバリアント活性変化. 医薬品毒性機序研究会要旨(Web). 2019. 1st
- 成田瑶子, 菱沼英史, 齋藤さかえ, 安田純, 安田純, 長崎正朗, 前川正充, 小田彰史, 平澤典保, 平澤典保, et al. 日本人3554人の全ゲノム解析から同定されたジヒドロピリミジナーゼ遺伝子多型におけるバリアント酵素の機能変化. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(CD-ROM). 2019. 139th. 3. ROMBUNNO.23PO-pm169S-171
Jun Yasuda, Keita Iida, Kazuki Kumada, Soichi Ogishima, Yusuke Shibuya, Hideki Tokunaga, Nobuo Yaegashi. Variants of uncertain significance of the cancer-predisposing genes in two thousand Japanese whole-genome sequencing data. CANCER RESEARCH. 2018. 78. 13
more... Books (1): - 分子生物学イラストレイテッド第3版
羊土社 2009
Lectures and oral presentations (6): -
(The 16th Korea-Japan Cancer Research Workshop 2011)
The Cloning and Characterization of Specific Modifiers of miRNA Maturation in the Medulloblastoma of the Ptc1 Heterozygous Mice.
(Cell Symposia Regulatory RNAs 2011)
The Cloning and Characterization of Specific Modifiers of miRNA Maturation Suppressed in the Medulloblastoma of the Ptc1 Heterozygous Mice.
(RNA2011 2011)
The comparison of expression profiles of miRNAs between normal cerebella and the medullolastoma in Ptc1 heterozygous mice
(第69回日本癌学会学術総会 2010)
(第12回日本RNA学会年会 2010)
more... Education (2): - 1996 - 現在 Tohoku University Grad. Sch. Medicine (Ph.D)
- - 1989 Tohoku University Faculty of Medicine 医学科
Professional career (1): Work history (6): Association Membership(s) (4):
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