J-GLOBAL ID:201101075253974083
Update date: Feb. 05, 2025 Weeks Mark Charles
ウイークス チャールズ マーク | Weeks Mark Charles
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Designated associate professor
Homepage URL (1): http://www.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/WEEKS_Mark.html Research field (1):
Philosophy and ethics
Research keywords (4):
humor / laughter
, philosophy
, literature
, research communication
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2020 - 2023 Uncovering the suppressed potential in spontaneous self-induced laughter through Deleuze, affect and posthuman philosophy
- 2015 - 2018 Constructing a Theory of Laughter Founded on Deleuzian and Non-Western Approaches to Subjective Temporality and Concepts of the Self
- 2012 - 2015 Development of a Diachronic Model of the Laughter Response through the Application of Husserl’s Phenomenology of Internal Time Consciousness
Papers (22): -
Mark Weeks, Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky. Mental health and positive introversion: a positive autoethnographic case study of Mark Weeks. Mental Health and Social Inclusion. 2024. 29. 1. 31-42
Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky, Mark Weeks, Jerome Carson. “You can end up in a happy place” (Voyce): a role for positive autoethnography. Mental Health and Social Inclusion. 2023
Mark Weeks. Affect philosophy meets incongruity: about transformative potentials in comic laughter. The European Journal of Humour Research. 2020. 8. 1. 1-13
Lai, W. L, Nilep, C, Weeks, M, Baumert, N, Todayama, K. Implementing a Logical Thinking Approach for Education in Research Writing and Presentation. Journal of Nagoya Higher Education Research. 2019. 19. 267-293
Communicative Efficacy and the Issue of "Self-performance" in the Cross-disciplinary Research Presentations Classroom. NU Ideas. 2017. 6. 65-70
more... Books (1): - Dickens and the anatomy of evil: sesquicentennial essays
Athena Press 2020 ISBN:9784863403376
Lectures and oral presentations (20): -
SDGs, PERMA and Death: White Noise Then and Now
(Writing Climate / Changing Fictions 2023)
A Huge Suspense Movie, Only Real’: Approaching Narrative through the Present
(Anglo-American Literature/Culture and Education 2018)
The Queerest Comic Corruption: Laughing Alone
(10th Deleuze Studies Conference 2017)
Solitary Laughter: Breaking the Silence
(International Society for Humor Studies 28th Annual Conference 2016)
Steps Supporting Greater Cultural Diversity in Theoretical Discourses on Laughter
(International Society for Humor Studies 27th Annual Conference 2015)
more... Works (1): -
Laughter is a Time Machine (article) in Philosophy Now magazine
2010 -
Education (2): - - 1998 Graduate School of Humanities English and Literary Studies English Literature
- - 1988 University of Western Australia Faculty of Arts and Letters
Professional career (2): - Bachelor of Arts (University of Western Australia)
- Doctor of Philosophy (University of Western Australia)
Work history (6): - 2016/04 - 現在 Nagoya University Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education Planning & Development Center Division of Academic Writing Education Researcher (Associate professor)
- 2016/04 - 現在 Nagoya University Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education Support Center Division Researcher
- 2011/04/01 - 2016/03/31 Nagoya University Graduate School of Languages and Cultures Department of Multicultural Studies Associate professor
- 2008/04 - 2011/03 Kyushu Univeristy Faculty of Languages and Cultures
- 2002/04 - 2007/03 Nagoya University Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Visiting Professor
- 1999/05 - 2002/03 Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand Faculty of Languages Visiting Professor
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Awards (2): - 2015/04 - Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Nagoya University Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2010/03 - Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Kyushu University Excellence in Teaching Award
Association Membership(s) (1):
International Society for Humor Studies
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