Tohoku University Graduate School of Agriculture Division of Biological Resource Sciences Department of Plant Production Science Laboratory of Forest Ecology
About Tohoku University Graduate School of Agriculture Division of Biological Resource Sciences Department of Plant Production Science Laboratory of Forest Ecology
Research field (1):
Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords (13):
behavioral ecology of fungi
, biogeography
, climate change
, forest dieback
, oak wilt disease
, pine wilt disease
, decomposition
, microbial intelligence
, biodiversity
, biotic interactions
, forest ecosystem
, deadwood
, Fungal community
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
2021 - 2024 Effect of CWD in forest soil carbon budget
2020 - 2024 環北極北方林における枯死木分解に関わる菌類群集と倒木更新の生物地理
2019 - 2022 Carbon allocation model for explaining fungal interspecific interaction and decomposition
2017 - 2022 Effects of forest dieback on CO2 efflux
2017 - 2021 Plant-soil feedbacks in a forest ecosystem governed by functional traits of tree species
2017 - 2020 Long-term effects of dead woods on community composition and structure of detritus food web
2016 - 2019 Relative importance of pathogenic and mycorrhizal fungi in creating species diversity in temperate forests
2016 - 2019 Latitudinal gradient in fungal decomposition of wood and their effects on spruce seedling establishment(Fostering Joint International Research)
2014 - 2017 Functional importance of microbial community in biotic interactions controlling spruce seedling regeneration
2013 - 2017 Long-term effects of large-scale windthrow disturbance on forest carbon stock and stand dynamics
2011 - 2014 Study on mechanisms of species diversity based on the interaction between plants and fungi, and ecosystem functions
2011 - 2013 Role of fungal decomposition of coarse woody debris of Japanese red pine on forest tree generation after the terrible dieback caused by pine wilt disease
2006 - 2007 森林生態系における枯死材分解に関わる菌類の役割評価
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Papers (84):
Yu Fukasawa, Satsuki Kimura, Yuji Kominami, Masahiro Takagi, Kimiyo Matsukura, Kobayashi Makoto, Satoshi N. Suzuki, Shuhei Takemoto, Nobuaki Tanaka, Mayuko Jomura, et al. Oak Wilt Disease May Reduce the Initial Decay Rate of Dead Quercus serrata Stems by Altering Fungal Communities in the Wood. Environmental Microbiology. 2025. 27. 1. e70026-e70026
Yu Fukasawa, Kosuke Hamano, Koji Kaga, Daisuke Akai, Takayuki Takehi. Spatial resource arrangement influences both network structures and activity of fungal mycelia: A form of pattern recognition?. Fungal Ecology. 2024. 72. 101387-101387
Yu Fukasawa, Koji Kaga, Daisuke Akai, Takayuki Takehi. Hyphal connection increases net resource utilization of saprotrophic fungal mycelia by improving local performance: A case study of the cord-forming basidiomycete, Phanerochaete velutina. Fungal Ecology. 2024. 71. 101362
Yu Fukasawa, Hiroyuki Kitabatake. Factors associated with seedling establishment on logs of different fungal decay types-A seed-sowing experiment. Ecology and Evolution. 2024. 14. e11508
木村瑳月, 深澤遊, 小南裕志, 高木正博, 松倉君予, 潮雅之, 小林真, 鈴木智之, 竹本周平, 田中延亮, et al. Effects of oak wilt disease on fungal community composition and wood decomposition in dead Quercus serrata trunks. 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web). 2023. 70th
小南裕志, 深澤遊, 高木正博, 鈴木智之, 竹本周平, 平田晶子, 深山貴文, 高梨聡. Effect of CWD on forest soil carbon budget. 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web). 2023. 70th
2023/10 - 現在 Graduate School of Agricultural Science Laboratory of Forest Ecology Associate Professor
2021/07 - 2024/06 Prominent Research Fellow, Tohoku University
2023/04 - 2023/10 Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University Laboratory of Forest Ecology Assistant Professor
2010/07 - 2023/03 Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univeristy Forest Ecology Assistant Professor
2017/04 - 2019/03 Cardiff University School of Bioscience Visiting Scientist
Committee career (11):
2021/10 - 現在 Journal of Fungi Guest Editor
2021/05 - 現在 Forests Guest Editor
2021/04 - 現在 Tohoku branch of Ecological Society of Japan Local committee member
2021/04 - 現在 Mycological Society of Japan Councilor
2020/04 - 現在 Frontiers in Microbiology Guest Editor
2017/10 - 現在 British Mycological Society Editorial board
2013/04 - 現在 日本菌学会 英文紙編集委員
2012/04 - 2017/03 日本森林学会 和文誌編集委員
2012/09 - 2014/03 日本生態学会東北地区会 庶務幹事
2012/04 - 2014/03 日本森林学会 和文紙編集主事
2011/04 - 2013/03 日本菌学会 ニュースレター編集委員
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Awards (10):
2024/06 - Kuromatsunai Biodiversity Conservation Research Grant Committee Kuromatsunai Biodiversity Conservation Research Grant
2024/05 - Mycological Society of Japan Outstanding presentation award
2021/07 - Tohoku University Prominent Research Fellow
2020/02 - Society for Young researchers on Neuroscience Tohoku Branch Oral presentation award
2019/03 - Ecological Society of Japan Miyadi Award
2018/07 - International Mycological Association Keisuke-Tsubaki IMA Medal
2017/03/15 - 日本生態学会 第64回日本生態学会ポスター発表最優秀賞
2015/05/16 - 日本菌学会 日本菌学会奨励賞
2015/03/17 - 日本森林学会 日本森林学会奨励賞
2014/12/14 - 日本生態学会東北地区会 最優秀賞 口頭発表
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Association Membership(s) (6):
The Japanese Society of Myxomycetology
, The Japanese Forestry Society
, The Mycological Society of Japan
, The Ecological Society of Japan
, The British Ecologica Society
, The British Mycological Society