J-GLOBAL ID:201101096443581620
Update date: Sep. 20, 2024
Akahori Takafumi
アカホリ タカフミ | Akahori Takafumi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Basic analysis
Research keywords (1):
Partial differential equations
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2020 - 2024 完全可積分系の方程式に対する解の時間大域挙動の研究
- 2013 - 2016 臨界ソボレフ空間における非線形分散型方程式の研究
- 2010 - 2012 Study of behavior of solutions to nonlinear dispersive equations
Papers (18):
赤堀公史, 菊池弘明, Yakine Bahri, Slim Ibrahim. Pitchfork Bifurcation at Line Solitons for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations on the Product Space R × T. Annales Henri Poincar ́e. 2024. 7. 3467-3497
赤堀公史, 村田美帆. Nondegeneracy of ground states for nonlinear scalar field equations involving the Sobolev-critical exponent at high frequencies in three and four dimensions. Nonlinear Analysis. 2023
赤堀公史, Slim Ibrahim, 菊池弘明, 名和範人. Non-existence of ground states and gap of variational values for 3D Sobolev critical nonlinear scalar field equations. Journal of Differential Equations. 2022. 334. 15. 25-86
赤堀公史, 村田美帆. Uniqueness of ground states for combined power-type nonlinear scalar field equations involving the Sobolev critical exponent at high frequencies in three and four dimensions. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications. 2022. 6. 1-54
赤堀公史, Slim Ibrahim, 菊池弘明, 名和範人. Global dynamics above the ground state energy for the combined power-type nonlinear Schrodinger equations with energy-critical growth at low frequencies. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. 2021. 272. 1331. 1-130
MISC (2):
Lectures and oral presentations (14):
Global dynamics above the ground state threshold for nonlinear Schrödinger equations
(The 15th Nagoya Workshop on Differential Equations 2024)
Global dynamics above the ground state threshold for nonlinear Schrödinger equations
(日本数学会 函数方程式論分科会 特別講演 2023)
(津田塾大学PDE Workshop 2022)
Limiting profiles of stable and unstable modes of the linearized problems around ground states for perturbed nonlinear Schrodinger equations
(The 19th linear and nonlinear waves 2022)
Recent developments in the global well-posedness theory for complete integrable systems
(現代解析学研究所Workshop 2022)
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (1):
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