Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2024 - 2027 快情動が伴う経験の情報を強固なエピソード記憶として固定化する神経基盤の解明
2023 - 2024 快情動を伴う強固な記憶の定着メカニズムの解明
2022 - 2024 Elucidation of episodic memory formations with pleasant emotions during sleep and break time
Papers (11):
Susumu Setogawa, Ryota Kanda, Shuto Tada, Takuya Hikima, Yoshito Saitoh, Mikiko Ishikawa, Satoshi Nakada, Fumiko Seki, Keigo Hikishima, Hideyuki Matsumoto, et al. A novel micro-ECoG recording method for recording multisensory neural activity from the parietal to temporal cortices in mice. Molecular Brain. 2023. 16. 1
Takuya Hikima, Paul Witkovsky, Latika Khatri, Moses V Chao, Margaret E Rice. Synaptotagmins 1 and 7 Play Complementary Roles in Somatodendritic Dopamine Release. Journal of Neuroscience. 2022. 42. 19. 3919-3930
Takuya Hikima, Christian R Lee, Paul Witkovsky, Julia Chesler, Konstantin Ichtchenko, Margaret E Rice. Activity-dependent somatodendritic dopamine release in the substantia nigra autoinhibits the releasing neuron. Cell Reports. 2021. 6. 35. 108951
Imaging of neuronal activity in freely behaving animals using miniature microscope
Lectures and oral presentations (42):
Flexible MicroLED array film adhering to the brain surface for in vivo optogenetic stimulation
(The 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-14) 2023)
Development of flexible micro-ECoG device for multisensory neural activity from parietal to temporal cortex in mice
(The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society 2023)
The primary source and molecular requirements of somatodendritic dopamine release
(The 100th Anniversary Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan 2023)
2004 - 2009 Tohoku University of Graduate school Life Science
2000 - 2004 Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology Biological Science and Technology
Professional career (1):
Ph.D. (Life science)
Work history (4):
2022/04 - 現在 Dokkyo Medical University DIvision for Memory and Cognitive function Associate Professor
2018/11 - 2022/02 New York University School of Medicine Neurosurgery Instructor
2015/01 - 2018/10 New York University School of Medicine Neurosurgery Research Associate Scientist
2009/04 - 2014/12 Okinawa institute of science and technology graduate university Ppostdoctoral fellow
Awards (4):
2016/05 - 16th Conference of the International Society for Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience Best presentation Award Detection of somatodendritic dopamine release using whole-cell recording
2010/05 - the Physiological Society of Japan Japanese Physiological Sciences Award (JPS Award),
2008/07 - IBRO ANS/IBRO Travel Award
2004/04 - Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO) Japan Scholarship Foundation Scholarship for Graduate Students
Association Membership(s) (2):