J-GLOBAL ID:201201011341104519
Update date: Feb. 17, 2024
Fumiko Umezawa
ウメザワ フミコ | Fumiko Umezawa
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
History - Japan
, History - Japan
, History - General
Research keywords (7):
Cultural history of Tokugawa Japan
, History of Japan
, Intellectual history
, History of religions
, 女性史
, Gender studies
, 国際研究者交流
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2015 - 2017 近世末の民衆的宗教における女性の役割
- 2008 - 2011 歴史における周縁と共生-疫病・触穢思想・女人結界・除災儀礼-
Papers (5):
Miyazaki Fumiko. practitioners of the Proscribed Creed: Gender and Motive in the 1827 Kyoto-Osaka Kirishitan Incident. Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie. 2023. 32. 253-281
Fumiko Miyazaki. (Investigation of Keihan Kirishitan Incident by Oshio Heihachiro). Oshio kenkyu. 2020. 85. 1-18
Female Believers in a Popular Religion of Nineteenth-Century Japan. Keisen University Bulletin. 2019. 31. 23-47
宮崎 ふみ子. 富士山とみろくの世ー不二道の社会的活動. 現代思想. 2013. 41. 14. 108-121
宮崎 ふみ子. 18~19世紀日本における参詣の流行と霊場の発展. 東アジア宗教文化研究. 2009. 1. 165-196
MISC (10):
女性不浄観に対する富士講・不二道の批判ー性と生殖についての言説を中心にー. 2008~2011年科研)研究成果論集 歴史における周縁と共生-疫病・触穢思想・女人結界・除災儀礼-. 2012. 80-93
外国人の富士登山に対する幕末日本人の対応. 富士山文化研究. 2008. 第9・10合併号. 13-32
18-19世紀における参詣の流行と霊場の発展-恐山の場合-. 『東アジア宗教文化研究』創刊号(東アジア宗教文化学会機関誌). 2008. 1. 165-196
Westerners Climbing Mt. Fuji and the REsponse from Japanese People in the Late Tokugawa Period. Cultural Studies of Mount Fuji. 2008. 9. 13-32
Popularization of Pilgrimage and Development of a Religious Site in Late Tokugawa Japan. 2008. 165-196
Books (18):
(Keihan Kirishitan Incident and Oshio Heihachiro)
2021 ISBN:9784642043380
Women and networks in nineteenth century Japan
University of Michigan Press 2020 ISBN:9780472074693
Christian Sorcerers on Trial : Records of the 1827 Osaka Incident
Columbia University Press 2020 ISBN:9780231196918
近世史講義 : 女性の力を問いなおす
筑摩書房 2020 ISBN:9784480072825
Religion and the Public Sphere in China and Japan
Palgrave Macmillan 2017
Lectures and oral presentations (14):
Inari Mediums/ Christian Witches: Gender in the Keihan Christian Incident
(European Association of Japanese Studies 2017)
Women as Activists in a Popular Religious Network
(Sophia UNiversity Symposium: Women and Networks in Ninteenth-Century Japan 2014)
An unauthorized religious association and 'the public': The Fujido in late Tokugawa Japan
(Religion in the Public Sphere in Modern, Historical, and Cross-Cultural Perspectives University of Winnipeg's Department of Religion & Culture 2012)
(江戸学の国際比較 2011)
Image of a Medieval Warrior in Tokugawa Writings: Kumagai Naozane in Plays, Ballad-dramas, and Religious Tales
(Early Modern "Medieval" Conference University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 2011)
Works (2):
歴史のおける周縁と共生-疫病・触穢思想・女人結界・除災儀礼- 文部科学省 基礎研究(A)
2008 - 2012
高埜利彦監修 甲州史料調査会編『富士山御師の歴史的研究』(日本歴史)
2010 -
Education (5):
- - 1979 The University of Tokyo Department of Humanities Japanese history
- - 1979 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Humanities History of Japan
- - 1975 The University of Tokyo
- - 1975 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Humanities Japanese history
- - 1972 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
Professional career (1):
- MA (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (2):
- 1991/04 - 2013/03 Keisen University Professor
- Keisen University professor emeritus
Committee career (4):
- 2012/08 - 2018/07 日本歴史学会 理事
- 2006 - 2016 - 文化財審議会 専門委員
- 2008 - 2011 東アジア宗教文化学会 常任理事
- 1989 - 日本歴史学会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (3):
, European Association of Japanese Studies
, 日本歴史学会
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