Yokohama National University College of Education Department of School Education Specialization in Japanese as a Second Language and a Native Language Education
About Yokohama National University College of Education Department of School Education Specialization in Japanese as a Second Language and a Native Language Education
HASHIMOTO Yukari. Discussion Regarding Acquisition of Particles "Ni" and "De" of a French Child Learning Japanese : From the Perspective of Usage-based Model. Papers from the National Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association. 2016. 16. 488-494-494
HASHIMOTO Yukari. Examining an L2 child's acquisition process of expressions of reasoning from the perspective of usage-based theory : Focusing on the role of the interaction of schemas based on input and mother tongue on language development. Journal of cognitive linguistics. 2015. 1. 創刊. 113-137-137
HASHIMOTO Yukari. Learning Process of Negative Expressions Using Interrogative Words of an Infant Learning Japanese as a Second Language : Employing the Concept of "Pivot Schema" of Usage-based Model. Papers from the National Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association. 2014. 14. 421-431-431
Yukari Hashimoto. Fostering of on-site teaching capabilities in Japanese teacher-training courses. Journal of the College of Education and Human Sciences, Yokohama National University. The educational sciences. 2014. 16. 16. 99-114-114
HASHIMOTO Yukari. The Ukifune Story (Invisibility) : From Painting, Doll and Chougonka(The Theses of Theme,<Special issue>The Narrative Studies of the Invisibility). The journal of the Association for Narrative Studies. 2011. 11. 40-55
Hashimoto Yukari. Purpose and Result of "'The Visible and the Invisible' in the Science of Monogatari"(<Special issue>'The Visible and the Invisible' in the Science of Monogatari). The journal of the Association for Narrative Studies. 2010. 10. 1-3
HASHIMOTO Yukari. The relationship between vocabulary learning strategy and receptive and productive vocabulary size in the Hungarian JFL context. ICU studies in Japanese language education. 2007. 4. 21-36
Hashimoto Yukari. Watching a Literary Boxing Match(Impressions of the Mini Symposium,Mini Symposium). The journal of the Association for Narrative Studies. 2005. 5. 158-163