J-GLOBAL ID:201201047940346134   Update date: Sep. 10, 2024

Takikawa Tetsutaro

Takikawa Tetsutaro
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://www2.fish.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/FISH/KYOUKAN/pol/
Research field  (1): Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research keywords  (3): Observation ,  Tsushima Warm Current ,  Physical oceanography
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 2024 - 2029 Integrated Understanding of Ocean Variability around Japan
  • 2022 - 2025 大型クラゲ国際共同調査事業
  • 2022 - 2025 線状降水帯の発生環境場(特に水蒸気場)の観測
  • 2019 - 2024 東アジア縁辺海と大気の連鎖的双方向作用とモンスーン変調
  • 2014 - 2017 Surface current field and plankton distribution in the southwestern Japan Sea
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Papers (65):
  • A. Manda, Y. Tachibana, H. Nakamura, T. Takikawa, A. Nishina, Q. Moteki, N. Zhao, S. Iizuka. Intensive Radiosonde Observations of Environmental Conditions on the Development of a Mesoscale Convective System in the Baiu Frontal Zone. Earth and Space Science. 2024. 11. 7
  • Toru Kobari, Taiga Honma, Masafumi Kodama, Akinobu Kodama, Toshiteru Watanabe, Tetsutaro Takikawa. Spatial and temporal variations in community structure, standing stock and productivity of mesozooplankton in the southwestern Japan Sea. Plankton and Benthos Research. 2024. 19. 1. 26-36
  • Akio Tamaki, Yu Umezawa, Yuichiro Hongo, Tetsutaro Takikawa. Long-term variability in larval recruitment rates of a callianassid shrimp population on an intertidal sandflat in an estuary-to-coastal ocean interface area in relation to river discharge and shelf water movement, western Kyushu, Japan. Journal of Oceanography. 2023
  • Anzhou Cao, Shuya Wang, Akihiko Morimoto, Tetsutaro Takikawa, Xinyu Guo. Modal content of typhoon-induced near-inertial waves around the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research. 2023. 264. 105055-105055
  • Tetsuya Matsunaka, Saki Tanaka, Rodrigo Mundo, Mone Ozawa, Mutsuo Inoue, Tetsutaro Takikawa, Masaya Morita, Kimikazu Sasa, Ning Tang, Seiya Nagao. Variation factor of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface seawater of the Sea of Japan during 2017-2022. 2023
MISC (34):
  • Xinyu Guo, Akihiko Morimoto, Feng Zhou, Naoki Yoshie, Ario Damar, Tetsutaro Takikawa. Coastal ecosystem change in Asia: hypoxia, eutrophication, and nutrient conditions. JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY. 2021. 77. 6. 829-830
  • 四柳仁寿, 滝川哲太郎, 櫻井正輝, 広瀬直毅. 長期フェリーADCP資料から得られた甑海峡の流動分布. 水産海洋研究. 2021. 85. 2. 109-110
  • Tanaka Saki, Matsunaka Tetsuya, Mundo Rodrigo, Inoue Mutsuo, Taniuchi Yukiko, Kuroda Hiroshi, Kumamoto Yuuichirou, takikawa Tetsutaroy, Morita Masaya, Ho Tung-Yuan, et al. Interannual variability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the surface seawater near the Japanese archipelago. Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan. 2021. 68. 39
  • 滝川哲太郎, 九州北部スマート漁業推進チーム. 漁業者参加型海洋観測とそのデータ処理. 水産海洋研究. 2020. 84. 3. 208-208
  • 滝川哲太郎, 後藤敏光, 濱野明, 濱野明, 中村武史. 山口県萩市見島沖八里ヶ瀬における潮流と湧昇流推定. 水産海洋研究. 2020. 84. 3. 234-235
Books (2):
  • Year-to-year variations in the third branch of the Tsushima warm current in the Japan sea
    Elsevier 2023 ISBN:9780323917087
  • 里海管理論-きれいで豊かで賑わいのある持続的な海-, 柳哲雄 編著
    農林統計協会 2019 ISBN:9784541042811
Lectures and oral presentations  (120):
  • Numerical experiment to understand Nemopilema nomurai migration into Japanese coastal region
    (The 17th China-Japan-Korea International Jellyfish Workshop 2023)
  • Interannual variation of the sea surface temperature and giant jellyfish appearance in the Yellow and East China Seas
    (The 17th China-Japan-Korea International Jellyfish Workshop 2023)
  • Intensive Radiosonde Observations of Environmental Conditions Supporting Development of a Mesoscale Convective System in the Baiu Frontal Zone
    (新学術領域研究「変わりゆく気候系における中緯度大気海洋相互作用hotspot」第5回領域全体会議 2023)
  • 黒潮前線・豪雨域で観測された Barrier layer の2重構造
    (新学術領域研究「変わりゆく気候系における中緯度大気海洋相互作用hotspot」第5回領域全体会議 2023)
  • 東シナ海上の梅雨前線帯に流入する水蒸気がメソ対流系の発達に及ぼす影響 -2022年6月19日における事例解析-
    (日本海洋学会 2023年度秋季大会 2023)
Education (1):
  • 1997 - 2003 Kyushu University Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences Department of Earth System Science and Technology
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(理学) (九州大学)
Work history (6):
  • 2016/09 - 現在 Nagasaki University Faculty of Fisheries
  • 2013/10 - 2016/08 National Fisheries University
  • 2010/04 - 2013/09 National Fisheries University
  • 2007/04 - 2010/03 National Fisheries University
  • 2004/07 - 2007/03 National Fisheries University
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Committee career (4):
  • 2021/04 - 現在 水産海洋学会 評議員
  • 2018/02 - 現在 長崎県環境影響評価審議会 委員
  • 2014/04 - 現在 日本海洋学会沿岸海洋研究会 委員
  • 2012/09 - 2014/03 対馬市海洋保護区科学委員会 委員
Awards (1):
  • 2005/10 - American Geophysical Union AGU JOURNAL HIGHLIGHTS Odd water found in the ocean near southern Japan
Association Membership(s) (4):
Advanced Marine Science and Technology ,  JAPANESE SOCIETY OF FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY ,  THE OCEANOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN ,  American Geophysical Union
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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