J-GLOBAL ID:201201050036082837
Update date: Feb. 28, 2025 Miyake Yoichi
ミヤケ ヨウイチ | Miyake Yoichi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Coordinator of Research Management
Homepage URL (2): http://yoichi-miyake.com/
http://yoichi-miyake.com Research field (4):
Marine/Aquatic life sciences
, Environmental impact assessment
, Environmental dynamics
, Aquaculture
Research keywords (3):
Harmful Algal Blooms
, 生物海洋学
, Fisheries Oceanography
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13): - 2021 - 2024 Spatiotemporal Changes in Harmful Algal Blooms in Western Japan and Their Influencing Factors
- 2020 - 2023 イセエビの分布北限移動の機構解明と予測(辞退)
- 2016 - 2020 Larval migration and adult nursery environment related to the Japanese eel stock fluctuation
- 2015 - 2018 Investigation of cross-shelf migration mechanisms of Anguilla japonica glass eels using multiple approaches based on physical environments and behaviors
- 2016 - 2017 Continued Monitoring of Anadromous Behavior of Japanese Eel in the Brackish Water Region for Conservation
- 2017 - 2017 Monitoring Behaviors of Yellow-Stage Japanese Eel in the Brackish Water Region for Conservation
- 2015 - 2016 Monitoring of Anadromous Behavior of Japanese Eel in the Brackish Water Region for Conservation
- 2015 - 2015 Transport Mechanisms in the Larval Migration of Japanese Spiny Lobster
- 2012 - 2013 Assessment of Water and Environment based on Larval Distribution Dynamics of Aquatic Organisms
- 2012 - 2013 Population Persistence Mechanisms of Pronghorn Spiny Lobster
- 2010 - 2011 Population Dynamic Mechanisms of Japanese Spiny Lobster and Conservation Strategy based on Larval Dispersal
- 2009 - 2009 Simulating dispersal processes of abalone larvae using a coupled particle-tracking and hydrodynamic model
- 2006 - 2006 Sampling and Sorting of Abalone Larvae and Hydrodynamic Field Observation
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Papers (32): -
TETSUYA MIKADO, SATORU JINNO, MAKIKO HIRAI, YUJI TOMARU, GOH ONITSUKA, YOICHI MIYAKE. The relationship between <i>Karenia mikimotoi</i> red tide and the Kyucho in Uwajima Bay in autumn 2020. NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI. 2024. 90. 4. 334-343
Shingo Kimura, Sachie Miyazaki, Hiroaki Onda, Takashi Kitagawa, Yoichi Miyake, Michael J. Miller, Katsumi Tsukamoto. Distribution and stable isotope ratio characteristics of Japanese eel leptocephali in relation to hydrographic structure of their Pacific Ocean spawning area. Fisheries Oceanography. 2024
Yoichi Miyake, Marie-Agnès Tellier, Agio Takeshige, Hikaru Itakura, Akira Yoshida, Kazuki Yokouchi, Mayu Shiozaki, Shingo Kimura. Coastal water temperature difference, a potential predictor of glass eel recruitment in Anguilla japonica during non-meander periods of the Kuroshio. Journal of Oceanography. 2023. 79. 413-421
Nobuto Fukuda, Toshihiro Yamamoto, Kazuki Yokouchi, Hiroaki Kurogi, Makoto Okazaki, Yoichi Miyake, Tomowo Watanabe, Seinen Chow. Active swimming and transphort by currents observed in Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) acoustically tracked in the western North Pacific. Scientific Reports. 2022. 12. 1
Hikaru Itakura, Yoichi Miyake, Ryoshiro Wakiya, Shingo Kimura. Environmental influences on late-summer individual Japanese eel diel activity and space utilization patterns in a shallow western Japan brackish lake. Fisheries Science. 2022. 88. 1. 29-43
more... MISC (45): -
平井真紀子, 三門哲也, 渡邊昭生, 加川真行, 黒田麻美, 村田憲一, 本田宇聖, 吉村栄一, 馬場俊典, 國森拓也, et al. 有害赤潮プランクトンの出現動態監視および予察技術開発 イ. 瀬戸内海西部・豊後水道海域・土佐湾海域. 令和2年度漁場環境改善推進事業「赤潮被害防止対策技術の開発」報告書. 2021. 59-117
- 中村栄司, 三宅陽一, 木村伸吾. 東北地方沿岸域へのシラスウナギの輸送過程. 水産海洋学会研究発表大会講演要旨集. 2019. 2019
- 殿村勇太郎, 熊觀梅, 羽根由里奈, 三宅陽一, 木村伸吾. 地球温暖化が初期生活期のクロマグロの輸送分散に与える影響. 水産海洋学会研究発表大会講演要旨集. 2019. 2019
- 菅純一郎, 三宅陽一, 白井厚太朗, 木村伸吾. 丹後海に生息するヒラメの加入と個体群構造に関する研究. 水産海洋学会研究発表大会講演要旨集. 2019. 2019
- 植田健太, 柳本卓, 張成年, 三宅陽一, 木村伸吾, 黒木真理, 山川卓. 南太平洋におけるイセエビ・セミエビ類のフィロゾーマ幼生の分布と形態および遺伝的集団構造. 日本甲殻類学会大会講演要旨集. 2018. 56th
more... Books (1): - Warming of the Ocean
Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd 2017 ISBN:9784254161304
Lectures and oral presentations (54): -
Multi-decadal trends in blooms of harmful algae Chattonella spp. in Japan
(PICES 2024 2024)
Long and wide trend analyses of Karenia mikimotoi blooms
Multi-decadal trends in Karenia mikimotoi blooms in Japan
(20th International Conference on Harmful Algae 2023)
Toward field installation of a low-cost plankton imaging system for continuous monitoring and data acquisition of harmful algal blooms
(20th International Conference on Harmful Algae 2023)
Creating and Analyzing a Long-term Dataset of Harmful Algal Blooms of Karenia mikimotoi in western Japan
(The 2023 Spring Meetings of JSFS 2023)
more... Education (3): - 2007 - 2010 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Aquatic Bioscience (Doctoral Course)
- 2005 - 2007 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Aquatic Bioscience (Master's Course)
- 1996 - 2000 Florida Institute of Technology College of Science and Liberal Arts Department of Biological Sciences (Marine Biology)
Professional career (1): - PhD (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (9): - 2024/04 - 現在 Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency Research Strategy Department, Headquarters Coordinator of Research Management
- 2020/07 - 現在 Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency Fisheries Technology Institute Senior Scientist
- 2020/04 - 2020/07 Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency National Research Institute of Fisheries and Environment of Inland Sea Senior Researcher
- 2013/04 - 2020/03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences/Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute Assistant Professor
- 2011/10 - 2013/03 Nagasaki University Graduate School of Fisheries Science & Environmental Studies Assistant Professor
- 2011/04 - 2011/09 Fisheries Research Agency National Research Institute of Aquaculture Associate Researcher
- 2010/06 - 2011/03 Fisheries Research Agency National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Associate Researcher
- 2010/04 - 2011/03 The University of Tokyo Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2001/12 - 2005/03 ICON plc Clinical Development CRA
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Committee career (7): Awards (2): - 2017/03 - The Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography Encouragement Award
- 2014/03 - The Ecological Society of Japan Poster Award, The Ecological Society of Japan
Association Membership(s) (8):
ISSHA (International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae)
, East Asia Eel Society
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