Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
2022 - 2023 低温熱源を利用するループヒートパイプの開発
2020 - 2023 Suggestion of the new visualization method of the plate-type heat exchanger and Elucidation of the ammonia boiling phenomenon of use the method
2015 - 2018 Study of suitable heat exchanger for multiple uses of OTEC
2017 - 2018 金属表面微細加工技術による高効率プレート式熱交換器の開発
2015 - 2016 多孔質体を用いた海洋温度差発電用プレート式熱交換器の開発
2014 - 2015 海洋温度差発電用プレート式熱交換器の開発
2014 - 2014 Visualization of FC-72 Flow Boiling in Parallel- and Counter-flow Plate Heat Exchangers
2012 - 2012 Effect of channel geometry on ammonia boiling heat transfer of a plate-type evaporator
2011 - 2011 A Constant-Wall-Temperature Model for Prediction of Thermal Performance of Gas-to-Gas Counter-Flow and Parallel-Flow Microchannel Heat Exchangers
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Papers (32):
Kohei Koyama. An Attempt for a Remote Lecture of Mechanical Engineering Experiment - Field of Fluid Engineering -. Research Reports of National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College. 2021. 52. 33-36
Hirofumi Arima, Ryo Inadomi, Kohei Koyama. Heat transfer characteristics of plate heat exchanger using coated-aluminum plate for ammonia boiling. 27th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. 2016. ISTP27-041
Arima Hirofumi, Koyama Kohei, Ogata Daichi. E233 Availability of coated aluminum on ammonia boiling environment. Procee[d]ings of Thermal Engineering Conference. 2015. 2015. "E233-1"-"E233-2"
INOUE Toshiaki, ARIMA Hiroshi, KOYAMA Kohei, MONDE Masanori. A214 Effect of a Surface-Active Agent and PEEK Resin Coating on Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer and its Secular Change in Water and Ammonia. Procee[d]ings of Thermal Engineering Conference. 2014. 2014. "A214-1"-"A214-2"
有馬 博史, 敬 成君, 小山 幸平. Study on multi-circular tube evaporator for ammonia. 日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集 Proceedings of the JSRAE Annual Conference. 2014. C143-1-4
Arima Hirofumi, Koyama Kohei. B222 Characteristics of boiling heat transfer of ammonia on brazed heat exchanger. Procee[d]ings of Thermal Engineering Conference. 2013. 2013. 323-324