SHIMIZU Ayaka, ADACHI Masakazu, KOBAYASHI Izumi, YAMAMOTO Takashi. 2C08 Hands-on by the crossing of department : Practice of engineering education through the tea ceremony. 工学教育研究講演会講演論文集. 2015. 27. 63. 222-223
ADACHI Masakazu, KOBAYASHI Izumi, TAKESHITA Naokatsu, YAMAMOTO Takashi. 2G11 Tea ceremony carried out in Polytechnic : Hands-on case of efforts in club activities. 工学教育研究講演会講演論文集. 2014. 26. 62. 366-367
Takashi Yamamoto. Consideration of Rational Bezier Curves. Bulletin of Salesian Polytechnic. 2014. 42. 1-6
YAMAMOTO Takashi. Consideration of the B-Spline Curves. Bulletin of Salesian Polytechnic. 2012. 39. 49-58