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J-GLOBAL ID:201301016535538578   Update date: Sep. 17, 2022

Ozawa tomoyuki

オザワ トモユキ | Ozawa tomoyuki
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/r/60375706.ja.html
Research field  (1): Orthopedics
Research keywords  (17): 椎間板性腰痛 ,  癌性疼痛 ,  体外衝撃波 ,  難治性疼痛 ,  神経障害性疼痛 ,  POMC ,  proopiomelanocortin ,  βエンドルフィン ,  内因性オピオイド ,  プロピオメラノコルチン ,  神経因性疼痛 ,  遺伝子導入 ,  神経因性疼痛モデル ,  炎症性疼痛 ,  脊椎固定術 ,  代替骨 ,  骨移植
MISC (9):
  • KAIHO Taku, KAMIKAWA Koya, TOYONE Tomoaki, WATANABE Atsuya, OZAWA Tomoaki, SHIBOI Ryutaro, WADA Yuichi. A case of tibial insert exchange for genu recurvatum after total knee arthroplasty. 2012. 43. 5. 384-388
  • OCHIAI Shunsuke, KAMIKAWA Koya, TOYONE Tomoaki, WATANABE Atsuya, OZAWA Tomoyuki, MATSUKI Keisuke, SHIBOI Ryutaro, WADA Yuichi. Two cases of primary total hip arthroplasty for severe coxarthrosis with trochanteric fracture. 2011. 42. 4. 244-248
  • MATSUKI Keisuke, WATANABE Atsuya, OZAWA Tomoyuki, KAMIKAWA Koya, TOYONE Tomoaki, WADA Yuichi. Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair for rotator cuff tear in elderly athletes. 2011. 23. 2. 253-257
  • UENO K, WATANABE A, TOYONE T, KAMIKAWA K, OZAWA T, WADA Y. Fixation for avulsion fracture of Achilles tendon with a suture anchor technique. 2011. 33. 2. 499-501
  • SHIBOI Ryutaro, TOYONE Tomoaki, OZAWA Tomoyuki, INADA Kunimasa. ABPI Evaluation for Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis. Journal of spine research. 2010. 1. 7. 1314-1317
Work history (1):
  • 2009 - 2012 Teikyo University School of Medicine
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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