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Nagai Yasuo. Public-Private Partnership Operations for Retrieval and Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake : Project for the Dispatch of Cultural-Properties Doctors(Part1 Inherited Cultural Assets,<Special Issue>Legacies Reincarnate). Journal of architecture and building science. 2012. 127. 1631. 16-16
Research on role of the kiwari-systems in Japanese historical architecture
仙台市文化財調査報告書 第304集 2006
近世建築技術書に関する研究 -庄内藩大工棟梁小林家旧蔵史料を中心に-
THE RESEARCH ON THE MANUAL OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SYSTEM IN THE EDO PERIOD -on the old records that were handed down by the KOBAYASHIS who were inaugurated as the DAIKU-TORYO in SHONAI-HAN-