Research keywords (5):
music performance anxiety
, music performance
, あがり
, 運動
, 感情
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2023 - 2027 社会的インタラクション時の感情制御訓練法の開発
2021 - 2024 対面状況がパフォーマンス不安に与える影響の解明
2018 - 2021 パフォーマンス不安の形成メカニズムの解明とその応用
2015 - 2018 Integrating and segregating multisensory information in the brain
2014 - 2018 あがりが巧みな運動に与える影響-情動と運動学習の接点-
2015 - 2016 スキル動作遂行時における社会的ストレス耐性の生理心理学的解明
2011 - 2014 社会的評価ストレス下における運動パフォーマンスとその神経基盤
2008 - 2011 神経行動科学的アプローチによる芸術的パフォーマンスの向上を目指して
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Papers (26):
Sakie Takagi, Michiko Yoshie, Akihiko Murai. Physiological measurement of music performance anxiety in wind instrument players: A preliminary study. 2024
Michiko Yoshie, Yuki Morijiri. A research overview on music performance anxiety. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON EMOTIONS. 2024. 31. 1. 28-40
Patrick Gomez, Oscar Casanova, Katarina Habe, Michiko Yoshie. Editorial: Highlights in performance science: music performance anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology. 2023. 14. 1328762
Rui Sun, Alisa Balabanova, Claude Julien Bajada, Yang Liu, Mariia Kriuchok, Silja-Riin Voolma, Mirna Đurić, Claude-Hélène Mayer, Maria Constantinou, Mariam Chichua, et al. Emotional experiences and psychological well-being in 51 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Emotion. 2023
Nanako Irie, Yuki Morijiri, Michiko Yoshie. Symptoms of and coping strategies for music performance anxiety through different time periods. Frontiers in Psychology. 2023. 14. 1138922
平野剛, 大澤智恵, 小幡哲史, 木下博, 吉江路子, 工藤和俊, 大築立志. A comparison of facial muscle activity for French horn players at different skill levels. 運動学習研究会報告集. 2012. 21st
Michiko Yoshie. Effects of state anxiety on performance in pianists: Relationship between the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 subscales and piano performance. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. 2006. 394-401
Evaluating subjective time compression around voluntary actions in mice
Subjective time compression around voluntary actions in mice
(日本動物心理学会第83回大会 2023)
How musicians experience music performance anxiety in different periods around a public performance: Symptoms and coping strategies
(International Symposium on Performance Science 2023)