Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
2022 - 2025 光コムの医光融合研究に立脚した新興・再興ウイルスの超高感度・迅速検出
2022 - 2023 Creation of Nanoplasmonic Molecular Recognition Polymer Substrates for Understanding Predictive Signs of Autonomic Nervous System Abnormalities
2021 - 2022 Construction of an ultra-sensitive measurement system for antigens and RNA derived from new coronaviruses using optical comb biosensors
2021 - 2022 Development of a sensing platform for the early detection of lifestyle-related diseases
2020 - 2021 Development of a novel diagnostic device targeting RNA/antigen of novel coronaviruses
2018 - 2021 Research and development of a motivation-evoking blood glucose control index measurement device
2015 - 2017 涙液体外診断薬・臨床検査プラットフォームの開発
2015 - 2016 バイオトランジスタを用いた非侵襲自己血糖値管理デバイスの新技術開発
2014 - 2015 糖鎖および糖誘導体を認識する高感度細胞検出センサの開発
2005 - 2008 担子菌のセルロース分解様式の多様性を制御する因子の解析
2005 - 2007 担子菌のセルロース分解様式の多様性を制御する因子の解析
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Papers (49):
Hui Zhang, Fumiya Osawa, Haru Okamoto, Yawei Qiu, Zhiheng Liu, Noriyasu Ohshima, Taira Kajisa, Toshiya Sakata, Takashi Izumi, Hayato Sone. Ultrasensitive Specific Detection of Anti-influenza A H1N1 Hemagglutinin Monoclonal Antibody Using Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Biosensors. ACS Applied Bio Materials. 2025
Keita Murayama, Chikato Furukawa, Sota Yamasaki, Yasuhide Ohno, Taira Kajisa, Masao Nagase. Biosensing beyond Debye screening length using epitaxial graphene field-effect transistors on SiC substrate. Surfaces and Interfaces. 2024. 54. 105279-105279
Hui Zhang, Mayuna Abe, Fumiya Osawa, Yawei Qiu, Noriyasu Ohshima, Taira Kajisa, Toshiya Sakata, Takashi Izumi, Hayato Sone. The possibility of ultrasensitive detection of biomolecules using silicon nanowire biosensor with structural optimization. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2024
Hidenori Koresawa, Kota Seki, Kenji Nishimoto, Eiji Hase, Yu Tokizane, Taka-Aki Yano, Taira Kajisa, Takeo Minamikawa, Takeshi Yasui. Real-time hybrid angular-interrogation surface plasmon resonance sensor in the near-infrared region for wide dynamic range refractive index sensing. Scientific reports. 2023. 13. 1. 15655-15655
Taira Kajisa, Toshiya Kuroi, Hiroyuki Hara, Toshiyuki Sakai. Correlation analysis of heart rate variations and glucose fluctuations during sleep. 2023
藤原將行, 宮坂禎也, 小野雅之, 加藤遼, 加藤遼, 加治佐平, 安井武史, 田中拓男, 田中拓男, 齋藤敦, et al. Digital spectroscopic biosensing using metallic nanostructures. 日本分光学会年次講演会(CD-ROM). 2022. 2022
藤原將行, 宮坂禎也, 小野雅之, 加藤遼, 加藤遼, 加治佐平, 安井武史, 田中拓男, 田中拓男, 齋藤敦, et al. Plasmonic interactions between Au nanoholes and Au nanoparticles for digital colorimetric sensing. 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2022. 83rd
宮村祥吾, 麻植凌, 仲原拓弥, 岡田昇太, 加治佐平, 加治佐平, 時実悠, 南川丈夫, 矢野隆章, 田上周路, et al. Dual-comb biosensing of SARS-CoV-2 N protein antigen. 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2022. 83rd
加治佐平, 矢野隆章, 大塚邦紘, 九十九伸一, 九十九伸一, 坂根亜由子, 坂根亜由子, 駒貴明, 野間口雅子, 安友康二, et al. Plasmonic biosensor for highly sensitive detection of RNA from SARS-CoV-2. 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2021. 68th
仲原拓弥, 仲原拓弥, 南川丈夫, 南川丈夫, 田上周路, 加治佐平, 安井武史, 安井武史. Development of biosensor using refractive index sensing optical comb~Detection of antibody-antigen reaction between avidin and biotin~. 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2021. 68th
Monitoring of hydroxyapatite crystal formation using field effect transistor
Fundamental properties of saccharide-based gate transistor for various biosensing applications
(Material Research Society(MRS) Fall Meetings & Exhibition 2013)
Development of phenylboronic acid-coated gate field effect transistor for saccharide sensing