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J-GLOBAL ID:201301054683425374   Update date: Jun. 24, 2024

Aida Junko

アイダ ジユンコ | Aida Junko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Visiting Professor
Research field  (1): Human pathology
Research keywords  (10): esophagus ,  head and neck ,  組織幹細胞 ,  telomere ,  p63 ,  老化 ,  癌 ,  トランスレーショナルリサーチ ,  診断病理学 ,  pathology
Papers (144):
  • Keisuke Nonaka, Kaiyo Takubo, Junko Aida, Yoriko Watai, Akiko Komatsu, Fujiya Gomi, Yuuki Shichi, Yuto Yamazaki, Toshiyuki Ishiwata, Hironobu Sasano, et al. Accelerated telomere shortening in adrenal zona reticularis in patients with prolonged critical illness. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2023. 14
  • Kaiyo Takubo, Junko Aida, Michael Vieth, Mutsunori Fujiwara, Tetsuo Nemoto, Tomio Arai, Ken ichi Mukaisho, Atsuko Nakazawa, Toshiyuki Ishiwata. Cardiac mucosa in neonates. Pathology Research and Practice. 2023. 246
  • Atsushi Miki, Yoko Matsuda, Junko Aida, Jun Watanabe, Yukihiro Sanada, Yasunaru Sakuma, Alan K. Lefor, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Naohiro Sata, Tomio Arai, et al. Telomere Attrition in Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas Associated With Carcinogenesis and Aging. Pancreas. 2022. 51. 6. 678-683
  • 相田 順子, 田久保 海誉, 石渡 俊行. 【ここが知りたい、表在型Barrett食道腺癌】Barrett食道・Barrett食道腺癌の病理判定基準 欧米と本邦ではどのくらい違うのか. 消化器内視鏡. 2021. 33. 11. 1659-1668
  • 野中 敬介, 井下 尚子, 相田 順子, 田久保 海誉, 渡井 順子, 五味 不二也, 長谷川 康子, 小松 明子, 山崎 有人, 石渡 俊行, et al. 長期重症患者にみられる副腎網状層の細胞増加とテロメア長短縮. 日本内分泌学会雑誌. 2021. 96. 4. 1178-1178
MISC (110):
  • 相田順子, 田久保海誉, 石渡俊行. Pathological Criteria for Barrett’s Esophagus/Dysplasia/Carcinoma: Differences between Japan and the West. 消化器内視鏡. 2021. 33. 11
  • 新井 冨生, 井下 尚子, 野中 敬介, 相田 順子, 田久保 海誉, 石渡 俊行, 松川 美保, 上垣 佐登子, 金澤 伸郎, 黒岩 厚二郎. 【内視鏡医も知っておくべき病理診断リファレンス-上部消化管腫瘍】食道 類基底細胞癌. 胃と腸. 2020. 55. 4. 380-383
  • 新井 冨生, 井下 尚子, 野中 敬介, 柿崎 元恒, 高熊 将一朗, 小松 明子, 相田 順子, 石渡 俊行, 田久保 海誉, 松川 美保, et al. 【知っておきたい特殊な食道腫瘍・腫瘍様病変】特殊な食道腫瘍の臨床病理学的特徴. 胃と腸. 2019. 54. 10. 1338-1348
  • 青木 悠人, 相田 順子, 川野 陽一, 中村 慶春, 仲村 賢一, 石川 直, 新井 冨生, 吉岡 正人, 松下 晃, 清水 哲也, et al. 先天性胆道拡張症のテロメア短縮時期の考察. 日本膵・胆管合流異常研究会プロシーディングス. 2019. 42. 49-49
  • 五味 不二也, 佐々木 紀彦, 田久保 海誉, 相田 順子, 新井 冨生, 石渡 俊行. 膵癌細胞MIA PaCa-2浮遊細胞の特徴(Characterization of floating round cells in the human pancreatic cancer cell line, MIA PaCa-2). 日本癌学会総会記事. 2019. 78回. P-1291
Books (4):
  • Superficial Cancer of Barrett's Esophagus
    Nihon Medical Center 2015
  • Clinical Esophagology
    Nankodo 2015
  • A Glossary of Esophageal Disease
    Kanehara Shuppan Co. 2012
  • Atlas of Diagnostic Pathology of the Tumor "Esophageal Cancer"
    Bunkodo 2012
Lectures and oral presentations  (19):
  • Telomere in Pituitary Gland
    (23rd Japan Clinical Endocrine Pathology, Annual Meeting 2019)
  • Telomere Shortening of Oral Mucosa by Alchol Intake: Relation to ADH1B and ALDH2 Genotype
    (30th Japanese Society of Clinical Oral Pathology, Annual Meeting 2019)
  • Distinguishing palisade veins as a hisotlogic marker of oesophageal origin in endoscopically resected specimens
    (31st European Congress of Pathology 2019)
  • Identification of the Palisade Veins by Measuring of the Length of Intramucosal Veins in ESD Specimens from Esophago-Gastric Junction
    (73rd Japanese Esophageal Society Annual Meeting 2019)
  • Histologic character of the palisade veins as a marker from the esophagus in esophago-gastric junction
    (108th Japanese Society of Pathology, Annual Meeting 2019)
Professional career (1):
  • 歯学博士 (東京医科歯科大学)
Work history (1):
  • 2010 - 2011 Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital and Institute of Gerontology
Awards (2):
  • 2016/11 - Japanese Society of Pathology Japanese Society of Pathology Award for Scientific Research Investigation of aging and cancerization using telomere analysis method by Q-FISH; New proposal of precancerous condition and diseases.
  • 2014/11 - GERD Society AstraZeneca GERD Award Is Carcinoma in Columnar-lined Esophagus Always Located Adjacent to Intestinal Metaplasia? A Histopathologic Assessment
Association Membership(s) (7):
International Academy of Pathology ,  United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology ,  Society in Superficial Cancers of Head and Neck ,  Society of Salivary Gland Tumor Pathology ,  Japan Esophageal Society ,  THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ORAL PATHOLOGY ,  THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF PATHOLOGY
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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