2015 - 2019 Fundamental research about spacial composition and social function of the French abbeies in the early modern era
2009 - 2012 Conflict and Reconciliation among Confessions and Religions inMedieval and Modern Europe and Mediterranean World: Study of Comparative History
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Papers (14):
Masanori SAKANO. Early modern Saumur as a confessional boundary and the cultural-spatial structure of the Oratorian Society. Journal of Urban and Territorial History. 2024. 11. 1-19
Masanori SAKANO. L'évêque de Marseille et la genèse de l'espace pénitentiel lors de la peste de 1720-1722. Sophia Journal of European Studies. 2022. 13. 39-55
Masanori Sakano. ’Regeneration' of Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris as a Historical Patrimony and a Space of Belief. Journal of Historical Studies. 2020. 993. 51-59
Masanori Sakano. Repenser " La mort de Louis XIV" -Au delà de la commemoration du tricentenaire du Roi-Soleil et du film d'Albert Serra-. Sophia Historical Studies. 2018. 63. 123-139
坂野 正則. Reconsideration of the Reformation in France. キリスト教史学 = The journal of history of christianity. 2018. 72. 44-52
The Relationship Between Religious and Emotional Heritage and "Authenticity": Reflections on the Restoration of the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris
(Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage 35th Seminar “30 years of the Nara Document in the Global Context of Heritage Conservation” 2024)