J-GLOBAL ID:201301069434394822
Update date: Sep. 02, 2024
Tsubota Masakatsu
ツボタ マサカツ | Tsubota Masakatsu
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Crystal engineering
, Inorganic materials
, Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
Research keywords (7):
, 電荷密度波
, 超伝導
, 放射線計測
, 材料科学
, 電子物性
, 結晶工学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (47):
Masakatsu Tsubota, Masahito Watanabe. Ring formation of transition metal trichalcogenides TaSe3 using vapor liquid process. Acta Crystallographica. 2024. B80. 305-310
Takehiro Shimaoka, Junichi H. Kaneko, Yasunobu Arikawa, Mitsutaka Isobe,Masakatsu Tsubota, Kengo Oda, Mitsuo Nakai, Hiroyuki Shiraga,Hiroshi Azechi, Akiyoshi Chayahara, Hitoshi Umezawa, Shinichi Shikata. Measurement of Neutrons Produced by Inertial Fusion with a Diamond Radiation Detector. Sensors and Materials. 2024. 36. 1. 217-223
M. Tsubota, T. Ito. Ring formation of transition metal trichalcogenides using vapor liquid process. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances. 2023. 79. a2. C887-C887
Chun Lin, Masayuki Ochi, Ryo Noguchi, Kenta Kuroda, Masahito Sakoda, Atsushi Nomura, Masakatsu Tsubota, Peng Zhang, Cedric Bareille, Kifu Kurokawa, et al. Visualization of the strain-induced topological phase transition in a quasi-one-dimensional superconductor TaSe3. Nature Materials. 2021. 20. 1093-1099
Shintaro Hirano, Junichi H. Kaneko, Takanori Hanada, Shogo Ito, Takehiro Shimaoka, Hiroaki Shimmyo, Masakatsu Tsubota, Akiyoshi Chayahara, Yoshiaki Mokuno, Hitoshi Umezawa. Substrate Effects on Charge Carrier Transport Properties of Single-Crystal CVD Diamonds and an 8 mm Square Radiation Energy Spectrometer. physica status solidi (a). 2018. 215. 22. 1800333-1-1800333-8
MISC (75):
坪田 雅功, 伊藤 拓也, 渡邉 匡人. NbSe3結晶を用いたトポタクティック反応による線状NbSe2結晶の合成. 第71回応用物理学会春季大会(東京都市大学世田谷キャンパス). 2024
Masakatsu Tsubota, Masahito Watanabe. Ring formation of transition metal trichalcogenides using vapor liquid process. International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2023) (Melbourune, Australia). 2023
Masakatsu Tsubota, Takuya Ito, Masahito Watanabe. Synthesis of NbSe 2 by d esorbed c h alcogen reaction using NbSe 3. 2022
坪田雅功, 渡邉匡人. 遷移金属トリカルコゲナイド結晶内の転位配列. 第49回結晶成長国内会議(JCCG-49). 2020
Masakatsu Tsubota, Masahito Watanabe. Intermittent CDW current switching of one dimensional ring crystal in TaS3. 1&2D Materials International Conference and Exhibition. 2020
Patents (1):
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
Temporal CDW current switching of one dimensional ring crystal
(The 7th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology 2017)
Crystal morphology control of transition metal trichalcogenides
(The 5th China-Japan Symposium on Crystal Growth 2016)
Growth mechanism of topological crystals
(International Conference on Materials and Characterization Techniques 2014)
Formation Mechanism of Polyhedral Topological Crystals
(Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth 2012)
Education (1):
- 2005 - 2011 北海道大学大学院 工学研究院 応用物理学専攻
Professional career (1):
Work history (4):
- 2021/04 - 現在 National Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu College Department of Creative Engineering Associate Professor
- 2016/04 - 2021/03 Gakushuin University Faculty of Science, Department of Physics
- 2012/12 - 2016/03 北海道大学大学院 工学研究院量子理工学専攻 博士研究員
- 2011/04 - 2012/11 北海道大学大学院 工学研究院附属エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域研究センター 研究員
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本工学教育協会
, 日本応用物理学会
, 日本結晶成長学会
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