Kazuhiro TAKAHASHI. Historical Reassessment of the Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy of Postwar Japan. International Relations. 2024. 212. 1-16
Kazuhiro TAKAHASHI. Forming a "Culture of Archives": Case Study on the Diplomatic Archives Disclosing System. Journal of the Japan Society for Archival Science. 2021. 35. 80-85
TAKAHASHI Kazuhiro. A Review of the so-called "Japan-U.S. Secret Nuclear Agreement in 1960". Defense Studies. 2020. 63. 29-48
TAKAHASHI Kazuhiro. Diplomatic Records and the Study of Postwar Japanese Security Policy. Defense Studies. 2018. 58. 47-68
Defending the Dollar: The US Balance of Payment Problems and the Japan-US Relations, 1959-1969
千倉書房 2018 ISBN:4805111410
ミネルヴァ書房 2013
ミネルヴァ書房 2004
Lectures and oral presentations (11):
A Review of Japan-U.S. Semiconductor Negotiation
(The 2022 Annual Convention of the Japan Association of International Relations (JAIR) 2022)
“The Strain of Bretton Woods System and the Cold War in Asia: U.S.-Japan Negotiation over Balance of Payments Cooperation in the late 1960s”
(日本国際政治学会2019年度研究大会 2019)
Conflicts over “Liberalization”: Revisiting Japan’s Trade Liberalization Process in the early 1960s
(JAIR Annual Convention 2016 2016)
“The Formation of ‘Multi-layered’ Alliance: U.S. Alliance Policy Toward Japan over Military Offset in the 1960s
(JAIR Annual Convention 2015 2015)