2021 - 2024 Study of treatment for suppressing renal fibrosis using mesenchymal stem cells cultured in serum-free medium.
2020 - 2023 Effect of mesenchymal stem cells on renal fibrosis: Combination with immunosuppressive therapy
2020 - 2023 Effect of DEC1 on renal fibrosis and apoptosis induced by ischemia reperfusion injury
2020 - 2023 mesenchymal stem cells with antifibrotic effect prevent impairment of cardiac function after myocardial infarction
2019 - 2022 Upregulation of mineralocorticoid receptor contributes to development of salt-sensitive hypertension after ischemic reperfusion injury in rats
2018 - 2021 Mesenchymal stem cell with anti-inflammatory effect cultured under microgravity prevents myocardial ischemia and regenerates myocardium.
2017 - 2020 Role of ROCK in stress-induced cellular senecesense on diabetes: from bench to bedside
2017 - 2020 Mesenchymal stem cell with anti-inflammatory effect cultured under microgravity prevents paraplegia after thoracic aortic repair
2017 - 2020 Supression of stress-induced senescene in kidney by transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells
2016 - 2019 Inhibition of JMJD3 attenuate renal senescense in ischemic reperfusion mice
2016 - 2018 Effect of intermittent compression in a mouse hindlimb ischemia model
2016 - 2018 TGF-beta promotes expression of fibrosis-related genes through the induction of histone variant H3.3 and histone chaperone HIRA
Kisho Miyasako, Ayumu Nakashima, Naoki Ishiuchi, Yoshiki Tanaka, Keisuke Morimoto, Kensuke Sasaki, Shogo Nagamatsu, Go Matsuda, Takao Masaki. Impact of immunosuppressive drugs on efficacy of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for suppressing renal fibrosis. Stem Cells Translational Medicine. 2024
Tatsuya Maruhashi, Masato Kajikawa, Shinji Kishimoto, Takayuki Yamaji, Takahiro Harada, Yu Hashimoto, Aya Mizobuchi, Shunsuke Tanigawa, Farina Mohamad Yusoff, Yukiko Nakano, et al. Upstroke time is a more useful marker of atherosclerosis than percentage of mean arterial pressure for detecting coronary artery disease in subjects with a normal ankle-brachial index. Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension. 2024
So Kurawaki, Ayumu Nakashima, Naoki Ishiuchi, Ryo Kanai, Satoshi Maeda, Kensuke Sasaki, Takao Masaki. Mesenchymal stem cells pretreated with interferon-gamma attenuate renal fibrosis by enhancing regulatory T cell induction. Scientific Reports. 2024
浜田 信行, 川野 樹一朗, 野村 崇治, 古川 恭治, ユソフ・ファリナ, 丸橋 達也, 前田 誠, 中島 歩, 東 幸仁. 放射線を照射した野生型マウスの大動脈に生じる血管損傷 線量遷延の低減・増強効果(Sparing and enhancing effects of radiation dose protraction for vascular damage in the aorta of wild-type mice). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2022. 65回. 199-199
浜田 信行, 川野 樹一朗, 野村 崇治, 古川 恭治, ユソフ・ファリナ, 丸橋 達也, 前田 誠, 中島 歩, 東 幸仁. 放射線を照射した野生型マウスの大動脈に生じる血管損傷 線量遷延の低減・増強効果(Sparing and enhancing effects of radiation dose protraction for vascular damage in the aorta of wild-type mice). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2022. 65回. 199-199
Kishimoto S, Kinoshita Y, Matsumoto T, Maruhashi T, Kajikawa M, Matsui S, Hashimoto H, Takaeko Y, Kihara Y, Chayama K, et al. Effects of the Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitor Alogliptin on Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. American journal of hypertension. 2019. 32. 695-702
Maruhashi T, Kajikawa M, Kishimoto S, Matsui S, Hashimoto H, Takaeko Y, Aibara Y, Yusoff FM, Hidaka T, Chayama K, et al. Relationships Between Calcium Channel Blockers and Vascular Function Tests. American journal of hypertension. 2019. 32. 640-648
梶川 正人, 丸橋 達也, 日高 貴之, 中野 由紀子, 栗栖 智, 岸本 真治, 松井 翔吾, 橋本 東樹, 高永甲 有司, Yusoff Farina Mohamad, et al. Coffee with a High Content of Chlorogenic Acids and Low Content of Hydroxyhydroquinone Ameliorates Postprandial Endothelial Dysfunction(和訳中). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集. 2019. 83回. OJ20-2
Mesenchymal stem cells cultured in serum-free medium suppress murine bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis by enhancing regulatory T cell induction
(The 25th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology 2021)
1999 - 2001 Hiroshima University Medical Hospital Clinical Resident
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Awards (6):
2015/06 - 日本腎臓学会 第58回 日本腎臓学術総会 会長賞
2013/07 - 第5回 腎疾患と高血圧研究会 研究賞
2011 - 万有財団 2011年度 Banyu Foundation Research Grant
2011 - 第15回 広仁会基礎医学賞
2010/10 - 第40回 日本腎臓学会西部学術大会 最優秀演題賞
2010 - 第12回 修道医会学術奨励賞 第12回 修道医会学術奨励賞
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Association Membership(s) (5):
The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
, The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine
, The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
, Japanese Society of Nephrology
, The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy