Research field (6):
Neuroscience - general
, Neuroanatomy and physiology
, Nervous system function
, Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science
, Experimental psychology
, Basic brain sciences
2016 - 2019 Neuroanatomical pathways of the mouse olfactory tubercle and odor-induced adaptive behaviors
2019 - 空腹・満腹状態に応じておいしさの感じ方が変わる神経メカニズム
2016 - 2018 おいしさをつくりだす神経細胞集団の同定
2018 - おいしさの神経メカニズム
2015 - 2017 香りのなつかしさの神経メカニズム
2014 - 2016 眼窩前頭皮質-嗅結節経路を介した摂食行動の意思決定メカニズムの解明
2013 - 2016 嗅結節を介した匂いによる動機づけメカニズムの解明
2013 - 2015 Mapping of centrifugal inputs onto newborn neurons in the adult mouse olfactory bulb
2012 - 2014 成体マウス嗅球の新生ニューロンを介した匂いに対する情動の形成
2012 - 2013 マウス嗅結節への亜領域・細胞種特異的な入力経路の組織学的解析
2010 - 2011 成体マウス嗅球における新生顆粒細胞サブタイプの補償的組み込み機構の解析
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Papers (23):
Koshi Murata, Ayako Maegawa, Yoshimasa Imoto, Shigeharu Fujieda, Yugo Fukazawa. Endogenous opioids in the olfactory tubercle and their roles in olfaction and quality of life. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2024. 18
Kazuki Shiotani, Yuta Tanisumi, Yuma Osako, Koshi Murata, Junya Hirokawa, Yoshio Sakurai, Hiroyuki Manabe. An intra-oral flavor detection task in freely moving mice. iScience. 2024. 27. 2. 108924-108924
Masami Arai, Etsuko Suzuki, Satoshi Kitamura, Momoyo Otaki, Kaori Kanai, Miwako Yamasaki, Masahiko Watanabe, Yuki Kambe, Koshi Murata, Yuuki Takada, et al. Enhancement of haloperidol-induced catalepsy by GPR143, an L-DOPA receptor, in striatal cholinergic interneurons. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2024
Tatsuya Ishikawa, Koshi Murata, Hiroaki Okuda, Ilia Potapenko, Kiyomi Hori, Takafumi Furuyama, Ryo Yamamoto, Munenori Ono, Nobuo Kato, Yugo Fukazawa, et al. Pain-related neuronal ensembles in the primary somatosensory cortex contribute to hyperalgesia and anxiety. iScience. 2023. 26. 4. 106332-106332
Kazuki Shiotani, Hiroyuki Manabe, Yuta Tanisumi, Koshi Murata, Junya Hirokawa, Yoshio Sakurai, Kensaku Mori. Tuning of ventral tenia tecta neurons of the olfactory cortex to distinct scenes of feeding behavior. bioRxiv. 2018. 455089