Research keywords (3):
, 液滴
, Liquid droplet
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2022 - 2025 液滴レーザーの開発と液滴表面ダイナミクス解明への応用
2019 - 2022 Dynamics on interface of colliding droplets studied by multiorder stimulated Raman scattering
2014 - 2016 Synthesis and evaluation of single-particle catalyst produced from liquid droplets by use of tandem-trap apparatus
2011 - 2013 Reactivity of single-particl catalyst synthesized from on-demand droplet
2010 - 液滴衝突による溶液反応の観測
2010 - Solution dynamics studied by droplet collision
2009 - 2009 共振増強効果による高感度溶液ラマン分光装置の開発
Analysis of biomolecules by droplet beam
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Papers (75):
Fusae Kawashima, Kenichi Okutsu, Jun-Ya Kohno. Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Reaction Rate of Cytochrome c Determined by Droplet Collision Atmospheric Pressure Infrared Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2024
Aya Kamoshita, Jun-ya Kohno. Energy-transfer-induced cavity-enhanced fluorescence in colliding donor and acceptor droplets. Chemical Physics Letters. 2024. 846. 141322-141322
Fusae Kawashima, Kenichi Okutsu, Jun-ya Kohno. Association constants of guanine oligomers with alkali-metal ions studied using atmospheric pressure droplet IR-laser ablation mass spectrometry. Chemistry Letters. 2024. 53. 4
Aya Kamoshita, Jun-ya Kohno. Cavity-Enhanced Fluorescence in Colliding Droplets of Rhodamine 6G Aqueous Solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2023. 127. 36. 7605-7611
Tomonao Inoue, Jun-ya Kohno. Stimulated Raman Scattering of an Organic Liquid in a Spherical-Shell Optical Cavity around an Aqueous Pendant Drop. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2022. 126. 29. 5507-5512
真船 文隆, 武田 佳宏, 河野 淳也, 登野 健介, 宮島 謙, 宮内 直弥. Reduction of Sample Consumption by Factor of Ten Using Droplet Injector for Serial Femtosecond Crystallography. レーザ加工学会誌 = Journal of Japan Laser Processing Society. 2017. 24. 2. 123-126