- 2023/03 - 情報処理学会 情報処理学会フェロー スーパーコンピュータ開発プロジェクトへの貢献及び大規模並列アプリケーションの開発
- 2014/06 - The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Achievement Award 2013 Research and Development of the K Computer
- 2011/11 - Association for Computing Machinery ACM Gordon Bell Prize First principles calculation of electronic states of a silicon nanowire with 100,000 atoms on the K computer
- 2011/02 - The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics Award for Outstanding Paper in Fluid Mechanics Energy dissipation rate and energy spectrum in high resolution direct numerical simulations of turbulence in a periodic box
- 2005/11 - SC|05 International Conference for High Performance Computing Networking and StorageACM/IEEE Best Technical Paper Award Full Electron Calculation Beyond 20,000 Atoms: Ground Electronic State of Photosynthetic Proteins,
- 2004/05 - Information Processing Society of Japan IPSJ Industrial Achievement Award
- 2002/11 - Satoru Shingu, Yoshinori Tsuda, Wataru Ohfuchi, Kiyoshi Otsuka, Earth Simulator Center, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center; Hiroshi Takahara, Takashi Hagiwara, Shin-ichi Habata, NEC Corporation; Hiromitsu Fuchigami, Masayuki Yamada, Yuji Sasaki, Kazuo Kobayashi, NEC Informatec Systems; Mitsuo Yokokawa, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Hiroyuki Itoh ACM Gordon Bell Prize (Special award for language) 14.9 Tflop/s Three-dimensional Fluid Simulation for Fusion Science with HPF on the Earth Simulator
- 2002/11 - Association for Computing Machinery ACM Gordon Bell Prize (Peak performance) A 26.58 Tflops Global Atmospheric Simulation with the Spectral Transform Method on the Earth Simulator
- 2002/11 - Association for Computing Machinery ACM Gordon Bell Prize (Special) 16.4-Tflops Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulence by a Fourier Spectral Method on the Earth Simulator