J-GLOBAL ID:201401000255297218
Update date: Aug. 30, 2024 Shuntaro Tsuru
ツル シュンタロウ | Shuntaro Tsuru
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Research Fellow
Research keywords (6):
, 環境史
, social history
, 技術史
, 経済史
, 植民地
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2023 - 2027 Re-creating the Historical Materials of the Chinese Communist Party
- 2019 - 2023 Reviving the History of the Chinese Revolution by Reviewing the Source Materials
- 2020 - 2022 植民地期台湾農村における農業技術の社会史--経験・利用・創作に注目してーー
- 2019 - 2022 台湾農民運動の社会史的研究:植民地経済の構造変容を生きる農民の営為
- 2013 - 2016 日本の台湾植民地支配と開発事業
Papers (11): -
Tsuru Shuntaro. The Beginning of Sin Wenz Latinization Movement. 2024. 415-452
Tsuru Shuntaro. The Age of Technology" in Taiwanese Agriculture: Case Studies on the Introduction of Production Management and Spread of Counterfeit Agricultural Implements. Modern East Asian History. 2023. 27. 61-77
Shuntaro Tsuru. Irrigation pumps in late colonial Taiwan: Farmers’ utilization of technology and the transition to rice cultivation. Modern Asian Studies. 2023. 57. 6. 1866-1902
Tsuru Shuntaro. 李應章的摩托車:二林街的經濟發展和蔗農組合. 中央研究院臺灣史研究所編《世界‧啟蒙‧在地:臺灣文化協會一百週年紀念論文集》. 2023
Tsuru Shuntaro. Local Gazetteers in Contemporary Taiwan: From a gender perspective. Rekishi Hyoron. 2021. 855. 52-61
more... MISC (9): -
Tsuru Shuntaro. "La danĝera lingvo" por Monda Historio. Zinbun. 2024. 71. 8-10
Tsuru Shuntaro. Por transponti hisoriojn de Tajvano kaj Ukraino. La Revuo Orienta. 2023. 1212. 20-21
Tsuru Shuntaro. Review: Horiuchi Yoshitaka, Green Industrialization: The Historical Origins of Taiwan's Economy. Journal of Historical Studies. 2022. 1025. 53-56
Tsuru Shuntaro. TOTTETORARETE. ZINBUN. 2021. 68. 32-33
From the Perspective of Taiwanese Socio-Economic History: A Comment. The Metropolitan Shigaku. 2020. 16. 71-77
more... Books (3): - Food Studies Guidebook
Nakanishiya 2019
- アジア・太平洋戦争辞典
吉川弘文館 2015
- 帝国支配の最前線(地域のなかの軍隊7)
吉川弘文館 2015
Lectures and oral presentations (3): -
In Search of Ukraine from the Viewpoint of Taiwanese History
(Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica 2024)
"La danĝera lingvo" por Monda Historio
(ZINBUNKEN Academy 2023)
Kio Estas Tajvana Sendependeco
(ZINBUNKEN Academy 2022)
Works (3): -
(Translation) Liang Chiu-hung, Three Ways of Reading Women's History: A Review Essay on Hung Yuru's The History of Modern Taiwanese Women
Tsuru Shuntaro 2020 -
(翻訳)戚学民著「蔣介石『革命哲学』における孫文と王陽明の思想の関係性」『孫文とアジア太平洋 孫中山記念会研究叢書VII』汲古書院
都留 俊太郎 2017 -
都留 俊太郎 2012 -
Professional career (1): Work history (3): - 2023/11 - 現在 Academia Sinica Institute of Taiwan History Assistant Research Fellow
- 2020/01 - 2023/10 Kyoto University Institute for Research in Humanities (The Research Center for Modern and Contemporary China) Assistant Professor
- 2019/04 - 2019/12 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Doshisha University postdoctoral fellow
Committee career (3): - 2019/07 - 2023/06 日本植民地研究会 企画委員
- 2015/07 - 2019/06 日本植民地研究会 事務局局員
- 2014/04 - 2016/03 史学研究会 庶務委員
Association Membership(s) (5):
The Society of Japanese Colonial Studies
, The Historical Science Society of Japan
, Japana Esperanto-Instituto
, The Socio-Economic History Society
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