2021 - 2026 Opening New Horizons in the Study of African History with Digital Humanities: The Case of the Kafa zone of Ethiopia
2021 - 2025 「北部アフリカ」におけるイスラーム的知識の生成・共有と社会変革の論理
2019 - 2022 Establishing digital archives for the preservation, utilization and sharing of the collections of Friedrich Julius Bieber
2017 - 2021 Historiographical Study of Islamization in Ethiopia: Based on Research and Analysis of Arabic Manuscripts
2017 - 2021 Save the collections of Friedrich Julius Bieber: to clarify the Ethiopian history among people who have no letters in the early twentieth century
2018 - 2019 F.J.ビーバー資料群のアーカイヴス構築:プライベート資料を中心に
2016 - 2019 To create a new ethnography as self and others representation: Writing about the role and influence of the researcher on the research field
2018 - 2018 The 20th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies
2013 - 2018 Anthropological Studies on fluid social spaces constructed by the activities of NGOs: Case studies in Ethiopia
2016 - 2017 Making Digital Images and an Inventory of Manuscripts of Ethiopian Ethnographic Collections in the early 20th Century at Museum in Austria
2014 - 2017 Research on women's roles in rural society and state formation of Contemporary Ethiopia
2015 - 2016 Review of the history and culture of Kafa in Ethiopia in the early twentieth century: through the research on collections of Friedrich Julius Bieber
2011 - 2014 Anthropological Study on Public Spheres of Religious Communities in Ethiopia
2011 - 2014 A study on the construction of "discrimination" as a social problem: the practice of human rights protection in Ethiopia
2014 - The 19th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies
2010 - 2011 An anthropological study on the social construction of discrimination in the formation process of the nation-state of Ethiopia
2008 - 2010 An anthropological study on the realization of discriminated people as "ethnic groups" in modern Ethiopia
2009 - 2010 An anthropological study on the realization of discriminated people as "ethnic groups" in modern Ethiopia
2008 - 2009 現代エチオピアにおける被差別民の「民族」としての実体化に関する人類学的研究
2007 - 2008 Oral, Body, and Letters Text Placement: The case study of the petition in the Kafa zone, Southwestern Ethiopia
2007 - The 16th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies
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Papers (12):
YOSHIDA Sayuri. Creation of new regional state and moving towards self-reliance: the case of the South West Ethiopia Peoples' Regional States. 2023. 183-208
Sayuri YOSHIDA. The Transition of the Belief in Eqo from a Traditional ‘Religion’ to a ‘Culture’: Historical Changes and the Roles of the Alamos in Kafa Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. Nilo-Ethiopian Studies. 2021. 26. 1-19
YOSHIDA sayuri. Archiving the collection of Friedrich Julius Bieber: Viennese Resources on Kafa Society in the early 20th century Ethiopia. HERITEX. 2020. 3. 259-269
YOSHIDA Sayuri. The Collections of F. J.Bieber and the Kafa Culture: Connecting Anthropological and Archival Research. African Research and Documentation. 2019. 135. 25-39
Sophia THUBAUVILLE, YOSHIDA Yoshida. Introduction to the Special Issue "Archives and Collections for/in Ethiopian Studies". African Research and Documentation. 2019. 135. 3-7
YOSHIDA Sayuri. Experience an era of infectious diseases: Infection of typhus [in Japanese]. 2021. 7. 14-16
YOSHIDA Sayuri. Book Review 清水貴夫・亀井伸孝編『子どもたちの生きるアフリカ-伝統と開発がせめぎあう大地で』昭和堂、2017年. Journal of African Studies. 2020. 98. 64-68
YOSHIDA Sayuri. To clarify the history of Kafa in southwestern Ethiopia in the early 20th century: Establishing digital archives of the collections of Friedrich Julius Bieber [in Japanese]. Journal of African Studies. 2020. 97. 33-36
YOSHIDA Sayuri. Pray in the Holy village [in Japanese]. Field Plus. 2019. 22. 10-11
吉田早悠里. 手紙よ、届け--エチオピア農村部の郵便事情. 人類学メモランダム・Notes from the Field(南山大学人類学研究所). 2018
Greetings from the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy, the Ethiopian Empire and Beyond: The Picture Postcards of Friedrich Julius Bieber (1873-1924) / Grüße aus der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie, dem Kaiserreich Äthiopien und Anderswo: Die Ansichtskarten von Friedrich Julius Bieber (1873-1924)
LIT Verlag 2021 ISBN:9783643910097
Cultural heritage in daily life: Ethiopia, the "birthplace of coffee"
("Forms of knowledge stored in cultural heritage: Connecting the construction of archives to the future" Nagoya University Homecoming Day 2024 Autumn Salon 2024)
Ethnic Federalism and National Development Project: A Case Study of the National Coffee Museum in Ethiopia
(The 33rd Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies 2024)
What is digital archives from the perspective of ethnic minorities in Ethiopia?
(Lecture and symposium commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University 2023)
Practices for passing on history and culture to future generations: the case of the Kafa zone in Ethiopia
(2023 Annual International Conference of the Japan Society for Afrasian Studies 2023)
Separation and Independence from the Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State: Southwestern Ethiopia and Ethnic Minorities
(Public Symposium of the 31st Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies 2022)
2007 - 2011 Nagoya University Graduate School of Letters
2004 - 2007 Nanzan University Graduate School of Humanities Graduate Program in Anthropology
Professional career (1):
Ph.D.(Anthropology) (Nagoya University)
Work history (8):
2024/04 - 現在 Nagoya University Graduate School of Humanities Research Center for Cultural Heritage and Texts Concurrent post
2020/04 - 現在 Nagoya University Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities Associate Professor
2005/01 - 2023/08 Addis Ababa University Institute of Ethiopian Studies Visiting Researcher
2019/10 - 2022/03 Austrian Academy of Sciences Austrian Centre for the Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage Senior Research Associate
2017/04 - 2020/03 Nanzan University Department of Global Liberal Studies Associate Professor
2014/04 - 2017/03 Nagoya University Institute for Advanced Research Designated Associate Professor
2011/04 - 2014/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Osaka Prefecture University Research Fellowship for Young Scientists PD
2008/04 - 2010/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Nagoya Univerisity Research Fellowship for Young Scientists DC
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Committee career (6):
2023/04 - 現在 Chubu Regional Research Seminar of the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology Treasurer
2014/04 - 現在 Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies council members
2018/04 - 2022/03 The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology Editorial board of Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology
2014/04 - 2018/03 The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology Committee member of the next-generation upbringing seminar
2014/04 - 2016/03 Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies Editorial board of JANES News Letters
2014/04 - 2016/03 Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies Management Board Committee member
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Awards (4):
2023/11 - Nagoya University Top Leader Award for Female Researchers (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) ”Initiative for Realization of Diversity Research Environment (Female Leader Development Type)”)
2021/12 - Nagoya University 10th Ishida Prize Ethnographic and Archive Studies on the Dynamic Mechanism of Re-/ Formation of Historical Perception in Ethiopia
2015/05 - Japan Association For African Studies 27th Research Award of Japan Association For African Studies
2014/04 - Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies Takashima Prize
Association Membership(s) (4):
Österreichisch-Äthiopische Gesellschaft (Austrian Ethiopian Society)