Research field (7):
Human interfaces and interactions
, Database science
, Nutrition and health science
, Sensitivity (kansei) informatics
, Soft computing
, Biomaterials
, Biomedical engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2018 - 2022 データ駆動型医療用超音波診断システムによる心機能の自動評価
2017 - 2020 Development the brain-machine interface with optimal recognition of environmental information and users' intention
2015 - 2019 Development of small ultrasound robot and multiple spatiotemporal scale analysis for lifestyle-related disease evaluation at home
2011 - 2014 Decoding internal brain dynamics by multi-scale brain model
2011 - 2012 Method to evaluate accurate response waveforms of cardiovascular system to external perturbations and its application to healthcare supports system
2009 - 2010 前脳基底部・海馬・大脳皮質共培養系構築による学習調節機構の解明
2006 - 2007 リアルタイム副交感神活動推定法を用いた生活環・作業環制御システムの構築
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Papers (138):
Toki Kobayashi, Kenta Shimba, Taiyo Narumi, Takahiro Asahina, Kiyoshi Kotani, Yasuhiko Jimbo. Revealing single-neuron and network-activity interaction by combining high-density microelectrode array and optogenetics. Nature Communications. 2024. 15. 1
Tianyi Zheng, Bin Li, Yasuhiko Jimbo, Kenta Shimba, Kiyoshi Kotani. Noise Enhances Excitability of a Neuronal Population with Heterogeneous Excitatory Neurons. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2024. 19. 12. 2085-2087
Fumina Mori, Masato Sugino, Kenta Kabashima, Takaaki Nara, Yasuhiko Jimbo, Kiyoshi Kotani. Limiting parameter range for cortical-spherical mapping improves activated domain estimation for attention modulated auditory response. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2024. 402. 110032-110032
Yuki Miyahara, Kenta Shimba, Kiyoshi Kotani, Yasuhiko Jimbo. 電気活動計測を用いた培養感覚神経細胞に対する感作性評価手法の開発. IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems. 2023. 143. 7. 641-648
Takahiro Asahina, Kenta Shimba, Kiyoshi Kotani, Yasuhiko Jimbo. Improving the accuracy of decoding monkey brain-machine interface data by estimating the state of unobserved cell assemblies. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2023. 385. 109764-109764