J-GLOBAL ID:201401004899931371
Update date: Jun. 09, 2020
Abe Mitsuo
Abe Mitsuo
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Affiliation and department:
Kyoto University
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Papers (17):
Mitsuo Abe, Katsunori Kawamura. Branching laws for endomorphisms of fermions and the Cuntz algebra O(2). JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 2008. 49. 4
Mitsuo Abe, Noboru Nakanishi. Question on the existence of gravitational anomalies. PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS. 2006. 115. 6. 1151-1166
M Abe, K Kawamura. Pseudo-Cuntz algebra and recursive FP ghost system in string theory. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A. 2003. 18. 4. 607-625
M Abe, K Kawamura. Recursive fermion system in Cuntz algebra. I - Embeddings of fermion algebra into Cuntz algebra. COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 2002. 228. 1. 85-101
M Abe, K Kawamura. Nonlinear transformation group of CAR fermion algebra. LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 2002. 60. 2. 101-107
MISC (1):
阿部光雄. クンツ環の話. 開催期間:平成18 年7 月31日 から8 月4 日(第28 回) 受講者数69(延べ237). 2006
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