J-GLOBAL ID:201401011036503688
Update date: Oct. 26, 2024
Minako Yoshida
ヨシダ ミナコ | Minako Yoshida
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Education - general
Research keywords (1):
Somatic Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2015 - 2017 NICU退院後の低出生体重児の早期療育に関する国際調査と身体教育プラグラムの開発
Papers (12):
Minako Yoshida. Exploration of the Liberal Arts of the Body toward Embodiment: Transformation of Health and Physical Education to Embodied Wisdom. 2023. 55. 51-63
Minako Yoshida. Liberal Arts of the Body: from Embodiment of Knowledge to Embodied Wisdom. Sophia University studies in physical education. 2020. 53. 37-55
Minako Yoshida. Exploring Possibility of "Soma and Education":Body in Sympathy, Improvisation in Dance and Somatic Education. MIND-Body Science. 2019. 29. 26-28
Minako Yoshida. Care and Soma: Rethinking Care from the Perspective of Somatic Education (Body Perceived from Within). Grief Care. 2018. 6. 51-62
Minako Yoshida. Theory and Practice of Somatic Education in College Education. Sophia University Studies in Physical Education. 2017. 50. 37-55
MISC (3):
吉田美和子. ソマティック教育とスピリチュアリティ. 月刊「福音宣教」. 2022
Minako Yoshida. Report from the classroom of Somatic Education. VOSS:voice of somatics & somatic psychology. 2017. 4. 16-19
Minako Yoshida. Dance Education and Somatics: Awareness Changes qualities of Dance, Dance Integrates Awareness in Dance. News Letter of Japanese Society for Dance Research. 2016. 10. 3-4
Books (2):
Liberal Arts of Body
創文企画 2014 ISBN:9784864130493
Lectures and oral presentations (14):
The Body Perspective in Somatic Education:Theory and Practice of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
内側から捉える身体の試み 体験的解剖学とボディマインド・センタリング
(武庫川女子大学生活美学研究所「ソマティクス・からだ・表現の研究会」 2024)
(日本体育・スポーツ哲学会第44回大会 2022)
身体経験の学びとソマティクスの系譜 -過去・現在,そして今後の展望を探る-
(日本体育・スポーツ哲学会第43回大会 2021)
Dance in Somatics:The Lineage of Eric Hawkins to Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
(The 72nd Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Dance Research 2020)
Professional career (3):
- 文学士 (筑波大学)
- 修士(国際学) (ワシントン州立大学)
- 修士(教育学) (横浜国立大学)
Committee career (1):
- 2017/04 - 2024/03 日本ソマティック心理学協会 運営委員
Association Membership(s) (3):
, Japan Association of Somatics and Somatic Psychology
, 人体科学会
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