J-GLOBAL ID:201401011808942496
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Shibata Kosuke
シバタ コウスケ | Shibata Kosuke
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (19): -
Junnosuke Takai, Kosuke Shibata, Naota Sekiguchi, Takuya Hirano. Multistate interferometric measurement of the nonlinear ac Stark shift. Physical Review A. 2023
Aki Torii, Kosuke Shibata, Yujiro Eto, Takuya Hirano. Improved waveguide-based ultraviolet light generation and pulsed squeezing at 795 nm. Optics Express. 2022. 30. 15. 26120-26120
Naota Sekiguchi, Kosuke Shibata, Aki Torii, Hiroyuki Toda, Ryohei Kuramoto, Daiki Fukuda, Takuya Hirano. Sensitive spatially resolved magnetometry using a Bose-condensed gas with a bright probe. Physical Review A. 2021. 104. 4
Kosuke Shibata, Naota Sekiguchi, Takuya Hirano. Quantum lock-in detection of a vector light shift. Physical Review A. 2021. 103. 4
Kosuke Shibata, Hidehiko Ikeda, Ryota Suzuki, Takuya Hirano. Compensation of gravity on cold atoms by a linear optical potential. Physical Review Research. 2020. 2. 1
more... MISC (12): - Kosuke Shibata, Ryuta Yamamoto, Yu Seki, Yoshiro Takahashi. Optical spectral imaging of a single layer of a quantum gas with an ultranarrow optical transition. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2014. 89. 3
- Kosuke Shibata, Ryuta Yamamoto, Yoshiro Takahashi. High-Sensitivity In situ Fluorescence Imaging of Ytterbium Atoms in a Two-Dimensional Optical Lattice with Dual Optical Molasses. JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2014. 83. 1
Yamamoto R., Shibata K., Seki Y., Takahashi Y. Development of quantum gas microscope of Ytterbium atoms 3. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2013. 68. 2. 145-145
Shibata Kosuke, Yamamoto Ryuta, Kato Shinya, Takahashi Yoshiro. 21pAL-6 Development of quantum gas microscope of ytterbium atoms 1. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2012. 67. 2. 180-180
Kato S., Sugawa S., Shibata K., Yamamoto R., Takahashi Y. 21pAL-9 Control of a scattering length of Ytterbium atoms through anisotropic interaction. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2012. 67. 2. 181-181
more... Lectures and oral presentations (16): -
(日本物理学会2018年秋季大会 2018)
(日本物理学会第73回年次大会(2018年) 2018)
Phase separation of Rabi-coupled spin states in an 87Rb F = 1 BEC
(JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2017 2017)
(日本物理学会 2017)
(日本物理学会講演 2014)
more... Works (1): -
2014 -
Education (4): - - 2013 Kyoto University
- - 2012 Kyoto University
- - 2007 Kyoto University
- - 2005 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (2): - 博士(理学) (京都大学)
- 修士(理学) (京都大学)
Work history (5): - 2017/04 - Gakushuin University
- 2014/04 - 2017/03 Chuo University Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Physics
- 2014/02 - 2014/03 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science
- 2013/04 - 2014/01 京都大学大学院理学研究科 物理学宇宙物理学専攻 物理学第一分野教務補佐員
- 2010/04 - 2012/03 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2(京都大学大学院理学研究科)
Awards (2): - 2013 - 日本物理学会第1回領域1学生プレゼーテンション賞
- 2010 - 京都大学GCOEシンポジウムポスター賞受賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 日本物理学会
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