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J-GLOBAL ID:201401022748700945   Update date: Feb. 21, 2025

Tomura Michio

トムラ ミチオ | Tomura Michio
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 教授
Other affiliations (1):
Research field  (1): Cell biology
Research keywords  (7): Heterogeneity ,  Single cell ,  dendritic cell ,  regulatory T cell ,  photoconvertible fluorescent protein ,  Imaging ,  immune cell movement
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (21):
  • 2022 - 2026 Identification of novel therapeutic target molecules based on correlation between leukemia stem cell heterogeneity and in vivo dynamics
  • 2022 - 2026 Clustering of plasma cells for a comprehensive understanding of immune function in the mammary glands
  • 2022 - 2025 舌下免疫で誘導される制御性T細胞の組織間移動によるI型アレルギー抑制機序の解明
  • 2021 - 2024 腸管細胞の獲得免疫における動態評価
  • 2020 - 2023 Study for prevention of infections among preterm infants by probiotics
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Papers (100):
  • Yutaka Kusumoto, Mizuki Ueda, Mayuko Hashimoto, Haruka Takeuchi, Naoko Okada, Junya Yamamoto, Akiko Nishii, Atsuki Fujino, Akiho Kurahashi, Momoka Satoh, et al. Sublingual immune cell clusters and dendritic cell distribution in the oral cavity. JCI insight. 2024
  • Sayaka Tsuda, Shigeyuki Shichino, Tamara Tilburgs, Tomoko Shima, Keiko Morita, Akemi Yamaki-Ushijima, Krishna Roskin, Michio Tomura, Azusa Sameshima, Shigeru Saito, et al. CD4+ T cell heterogeneity in gestational age and preeclampsia using single-cell RNA sequencing. Frontiers in immunology. 2024. 15. 1401738-1401738
  • Taiki Moriya, Mayuko Hashimoto, Hina Matsushita, Shion Masuyama, Rina Yoshida, Ryuhei Okada, Aki Furusawa, Daiki Fujimura, Hiroaki Wakiyama, Takuya Kato, et al. Near-infrared photoimmunotherapy induced tumor cell death enhances tumor dendritic cell migration. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII. 2022. 71. 12. 3099-3106
  • Hui Mei Cheng, Tetsuya Honda, Ryota Asahina, Toshiya Miyake, Zachary Chow, Michio Tomura, Jun-Ichi Sakabe, Yoshiki Tokura, Kenji Kabashima. In-vivo Imaging of CD8+ T cell-mediated Keratinocyte Apoptosis in Graft-Versus Host Disease-like Dermatitis in Involucrin-mOVA Mice. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 2022
  • Aiko Ono-Ohmachi, Satoki Yamada, Satoru Uno, Masato Tamai, Kohei Soga, Shotaro Nakamura, Nobuyuki Udagawa, Yuko Nakamichi, Masanori Koide, Yoshikazu Morita, et al. Effector memory CD4+T cells in mesenteric lymph nodes mediate bone loss in food-allergic enteropathy model mice, creating IL-4 dominance. Mucosal Immunology. 2021. 14. 6. 1335-1346
MISC (43):
  • 戸村 道夫. Fluorescent imaging of cellular movement between organs and cell-cycle using Kaede-Tg mice and Fucci-Tg mice. 臨床免疫・アレルギー科 = Clinical immunology & allergology. 2018. 69. 4. 333-341
  • Ryoyo Ikebuchi, Maika Fujimoto, Taiki Moriya, Hiromi Okuyama, Yutaka Kusumoto, Michio Tomura. Single-cell gene and protein expression analysis revealed functional and migratory heterogeneity in regulatory T cells of inflamed skin. CYTOKINE. 2017. 100. 89-90
  • Mizuki Ueda, Taiki Moriya, Ryoyo Kusumoto, Yutaka Kusumoto, Michio Tomura. Effector T cell migration from gut immune system. CYTOKINE. 2017. 100. 156-156
  • Taiki Moriya, Ryoyo Ikebuchi, Mizuki Ueda, Yutaka Kusumoto, Michio Tomura. Immunization induces migration of MHC class II intermediate dendritic cells from immunized sites to draining lymph nodes. CYTOKINE. 2017. 100. 121-122
  • T. Torcellan, H. R. Hampton, J. Bailey, M. Tomura, R. Brink, T. Chtanova. Using in vivo photolabeling to uncover the fate of tumour-infiltrating T cell migration in tumour immunity. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2017. 47. 64-64
Books (1):
  • ラボ必携 フローサイトメトリーQ&A〜正しいデータを出すための100箇条 (実験医学別冊)
    羊土社 2017 ISBN:4758122350
Lectures and oral presentations  (60):
  • 大腸から所属リンパ節に移行した制御性T細胞の増殖 ー臓器間細胞移動と細胞増殖同時検出ー
    (第14回日本食品免疫学会 2019)
  • マルチスケール蛍光イメージングによる生体現象の理解
    (第 162 回日本獣医学会学術集会 2019)
  • Colonic Tregs migrated from inflamed colon proliferate in draining lymph node. - Simultaneous detection of cellular movement and proliferation -
    (19th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology 2019)
  • Distribution of Dendritic Cells and Its Clusters in Oral Mucosa
    (The 66th NIBB ConferenceABiS International Symposium 2019)
  • Colonic Tregs migrated from inflamed colon proliferate in draining lymph node ー Simultaneous detection of cellular movement and proliferation ー
Education (4):
  • 1996 - 1999 大阪大学大学院 医学系研究科 腫瘍発生学教室 博士課程
  • 1987 - 1989 東北大学大学院 薬学系研究科 核薬学教室 修士課程
  • 1983 - 1987 Tohoku University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • 1980 - 1983 千葉県立千葉高等学校
Work history (9):
  • 2015/04 - 現在 Osaka Ohtani University Faculty of Phamacy
  • 2011/02 - 2015/03 京都大学医学研究科 次世代免疫制御を目指す創薬医学融合拠点 特定准教授
  • 2010/07 - 2011/02 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
  • 2010/04 - 2010/07 理化学研究所・脳科学総合研究センター 細胞機能探索技術開発チーム 研究員
  • 2008/04 - 2010/03 理化学研究所・免疫アレルギー科学総合研究センター 自己免疫制御グループ 上級研究員
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Association Membership(s) (4):
Society for Mucosal Immunology ,  THE MOLECULAR BIOLOGY SOCIETY OF JAPAN ,  The American Association of Immunologists ,  THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR IMMUNOLOGY
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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