Research keywords (7):
, Single cell
, dendritic cell
, regulatory T cell
, photoconvertible fluorescent protein
, Imaging
, immune cell movement
Research theme for competitive and other funds (21):
2022 - 2026 Identification of novel therapeutic target molecules based on correlation between leukemia stem cell heterogeneity and in vivo dynamics
2022 - 2026 Clustering of plasma cells for a comprehensive understanding of immune function in the mammary glands
戸村 道夫. Fluorescent imaging of cellular movement between organs and cell-cycle using Kaede-Tg mice and Fucci-Tg mice. 臨床免疫・アレルギー科 = Clinical immunology & allergology. 2018. 69. 4. 333-341
Ryoyo Ikebuchi, Maika Fujimoto, Taiki Moriya, Hiromi Okuyama, Yutaka Kusumoto, Michio Tomura. Single-cell gene and protein expression analysis revealed functional and migratory heterogeneity in regulatory T cells of inflamed skin. CYTOKINE. 2017. 100. 89-90
Mizuki Ueda, Taiki Moriya, Ryoyo Kusumoto, Yutaka Kusumoto, Michio Tomura. Effector T cell migration from gut immune system. CYTOKINE. 2017. 100. 156-156
Taiki Moriya, Ryoyo Ikebuchi, Mizuki Ueda, Yutaka Kusumoto, Michio Tomura. Immunization induces migration of MHC class II intermediate dendritic cells from immunized sites to draining lymph nodes. CYTOKINE. 2017. 100. 121-122
T. Torcellan, H. R. Hampton, J. Bailey, M. Tomura, R. Brink, T. Chtanova. Using in vivo photolabeling to uncover the fate of tumour-infiltrating T cell migration in tumour immunity. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2017. 47. 64-64
Colonic Tregs migrated from inflamed colon proliferate in draining lymph node. - Simultaneous detection of cellular movement and proliferation -
(19th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology 2019)
Distribution of Dendritic Cells and Its Clusters in Oral Mucosa
(The 66th NIBB ConferenceABiS International Symposium 2019)
Colonic Tregs migrated from inflamed colon proliferate in draining lymph node ー Simultaneous detection of cellular movement and proliferation ー
1999/04 - 2001/03 Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
1989/04 - 1996/03 東レ株式会社 基礎研究所・薬理研究室 研究員
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Association Membership(s) (4):
Society for Mucosal Immunology
, The American Association of Immunologists