J-GLOBAL ID:201401024592846025
Update date: Feb. 21, 2025 KOBAYASHI Junya
コバヤシ ジュンヤ | KOBAYASHI Junya
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate professor
Research field (2):
Structural and functional materials
, Material fabrication and microstructure control
Research keywords (1):
Aluminum alloys, Mechanical properties at elevated temperature, Tensile strength, Formabilities, High pressure hydrogen storage container TRIP-aided steel, Retained austenite, Martensite, Heat-treatment, Microstructure
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2020 - 2024 セラミックスの高温変形及び接合に対する通電効果の原理解明
- 2020 - 2023 Analysis on the sites of existence and paths of migration for hydrogen in metallic materials for structural use by means of some visualization techniques
- 2018 - 2022 熱間圧延により残留オーステナイトを微細分散させた微細粒を有する超高強度低合金TRIP鋼の成形性
- 2017 - 2020 粒界析出組織制御によるアルミニウム合金の信頼性の向上
- 2017 - 2020 Suppression of environmental embrittlement in cold worked aluminum alloys with deformation-induced nano clusters
Papers (80): -
Tomohiko Hojo, Akihiko Nagasaka, Chihaya Tabata, Yuki Shibayama, Junya Kobayashi, Eiji Akiyama. Warm V-Bendabilites and Hydrogen Embrittlement Properties of Ultrahigh-Strength Quenching and Partitioning-TRIP Steel Sheets. Tetsu-to-Hagane. 2024. 早期公開: 2024/05/23
Kaveh Edalati, Anwar Q. Ahmed, Saeid Akrami, Kei Ameyama, Valery Aptukov, Rashid N. Asfandiyarov, Maki Ashida, Vasily Astanin, Andrea Bachmaier, Victor Beloshenko, et al. Severe plastic deformation for producing Superfunctional ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials: An interdisciplinary review. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2024. 174667-174667
Koh-ichi Sugimoto, Shoya Shioiri, Junya Kobayashi. Evaluation of Shear-Punched Surface Layer Damage in Three Types of High-Strength TRIP-Aided Steel. Metals. 2024. 14. 5. 531-548
Tomohiko Hojo, Akihiko Nagasaka, Junya Kobayashi, Yuki Shibayama, Eiji Akiyama. Effect of Hydrogen on Fatigue Life and Fracture Morphologies of TRIP-Aided Martensitic Steels with Added Nitrogen. Metals. 2024. 14. 3. 346-346
Toshiaki Manaka, Goroh Itoh, Junya Kobayashi, Shigeru Kuramoto, Yuji Hatano. Visualization of Hydrogen and Hydrogen-induced Defects in Tensile-deformed Pure Iron Using Hydrogen Microprint and Tritium Autoradiography. ISIJ International. 2024. 64. 4. 655-659
more... MISC (9): -
Shigeru Kuramoto, Yuta Kawano, Yuwa Mori, Junya Kobayashi, Satoshi Emura, Takahiro Sawaguchi. Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior in Severely Cold-Rolled Fe-Ni-Al-C Alloys with Lüders Deformation -Overview with Recent Experimental Results -. Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals. 2025. 89. 1. 22-31
G. Itoh, S. Kuramoto, J. Kobayashi. History of microstructural control and some recent topics aiming strengthening of aluminum alloys. Journal of the Japan Institute of Light Metals. 2023. 73. 12. 554-558
- 伊藤吾朗, 倉本 繁, 車田 亮, 小林純也, 浅見重則, 小川武史. 圧縮水素容器用アルミニウム合金の湿潤ガス応力腐食割れ試験方法. 圧力技術. 2019. 57. 100-107
- 杉本公一, 小林純也, 北條智彦. 超高強度低合金TRIP鋼の組織と機械的性質. 鉄と鋼. 2017. 103. 1
- 杉本 公一, 小林 純也. 冷間プレス成形性に優れた先進超高強度低合金TRIP鋼板. 塑性と加工. 2013. 54. 634. 949-953
more... Patents (4): -
Lectures and oral presentations (29): -
(令和3年度茨城大学学⻑学術表彰 表彰式及び受賞記念講演会 2022)
(一般社団法人 軽金属学会 創立70周年記念 第141回秋期大会 2021)
(一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会 第181回春季講演大会 2021)
(精密工学会学術講演会 2017)
(茨城講演会 2017)
more... Education (2): - 2011 - 2014 Shinshu University Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Technology Department of Mathematics and System Development
- 2009 - 2011 Shinshu University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Mechanical Systems Engineering
Professional career (1): Awards (7): Association Membership(s) (4):
, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
, The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity
, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
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