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J-GLOBAL ID:201401025141716140   Update date: Mar. 13, 2025

Asaoka Masayuki

Asaoka Masayuki
Research field  (1): Geometry
Papers (24):
  • Masayuki Asaoka, Christian Bonatti, Théo Marty. Oriented Birkhoff sections of Anosov flows. Journal of Topology. 2024. 17. 4
  • Masayuki Asaoka. Stable intersection of Cantor sets in higher dimension and robust homoclinic tangency of the largest codimension. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2021. 375. 02. 873-908
  • Masayuki Asaoka, Katsutoshi Shinohara, Dmitry Turaev. Fast growth of the number of periodic points arising from heterodimensional connections. Compositio Mathematica. 2021. 157. 9. 1899-1963
  • Masayuki Asaoka. Abundance of Fast Growth of the Number of Periodic Points in 2-Dimensional Area-Preserving Dynamics. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2017. 356. 1. 1-17
  • Masayuki Asaoka, Katsutoshi Shinohara, Dmitry Turaev. Degenerate behavior in non-hyperbolic semigroup actions on the interval: fast growth of periodic points and universal dynamics. Mathematische Annalen. 2017. 368. 3-4. 1277-1309
Books (1):
  • 力学系と大域幾何
    朝倉書店 2023 ISBN:9784254116182
Lectures and oral presentations  (27):
  • Local rigidity of group actions related to geodesic flows of complex hyperbolic manifolds
    (Symplectic Geometry and Anosov flows 2024)
  • Recent progress on surgery of 3-dimensional Anosov flow
    (KiPAS Dynamics Days 2023 2023)
  • Goodman Fried surgery, Birkhoff sections, and R-covered Anosov flows
  • Goodman Fried surgery, Birkhoff sections, and R-covered Anosov flows
  • Stable intersection of Cantor sets
Awards (1):
  • The Mathematical Society of Japan MSJ Spring Prize
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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