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J-GLOBAL ID:201401040560491387   Update date: Mar. 31, 2023

Nomura Ryuichi

ノムラ リュウイチ | Nomura Ryuichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Homepage URL  (1): https://sites.google.com/site/ryuichinomura85
Research field  (1): Solid earth science
Research keywords  (3): diamond anvil cell ,  High-pressure experiments ,  Earth Science
Papers (16):
MISC (5):
  • 野村 龍一, 東 真太郎, 西原 遊, 上杉 健太朗, 入舩 徹男. 高圧変形実験装置で解き明かす地球深部のレオロジー. X線結像光学ニューズレター. 2018. 48. 1-4
  • 野村 龍一. 原始地球におけるマントル-コアの化学進化と成層構造. 地球化学. 48. 201-202
  • 野村 龍一. 地球コアの水素と初期地球の大量の水. 科学(岩波書店). 84. 1060-1062
  • 野村 龍一. 放射光X線マイクロトモグラフィー法によるマントル物質の融解温度の決定. SPring-8/SACLA利用者情報. 20. 9-11
  • 野村 龍一. 高圧高温その場X線ラミノグラフィーで切り拓く新しい超高圧地球科学. SPring-8/SACLA利用者情報. 22. 22-25
Lectures and oral presentations  (8):
  • Torsional deformation Experiments at Mbar pressures using rotational diamond anvil cell
    (Gordon Research Conference: Research at High Pressure 2018)
  • Torsional deformation Experiments at Mbar pressures using rotational diamond anvil cell-
    (Study of the Earth's Deep Interior (SEDI) 2018)
  • ダイヤモンドアンビル装置を用いた高圧その場X線ラミノグラフィー法の開発と高圧地球科学への応用
    (第31回日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム 2018)
  • 高圧in-situ結像型X線顕微ラミノグラフィの地球深部科学への応用
    (第14回X線結像光学シンポジウム 2017)
  • ダイヤモンドアンビル装置を用いた地球深部物質の先進的研究
    (第57回高圧討論会 2016)
Education (3):
  • 2011 - 2014 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • 2008 - 2010 University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Science
  • 2004 - 2008 University of Tokyo School of Science
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D. (Science) (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Work history (5):
  • 2019/01 - 現在 Kyoto University Hakubi Center/ Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies Associate Professor
  • 2017/01 - 2018/12 Ehime University Geodynamics Research Center Assistant Professor
  • 2016/04 - 2016/12 Ehime University Geodynamics Research Center Senior Researcher
  • 2014/04 - 2016/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Earth-Life Science Institute WPI researcher
  • 2012/04 - 2014/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering JSPS-DC
Awards (9):
  • 2018/07 - IUGG-SEDI Doornbos Memorial Prize
  • 2018/02 - Inoue Foundation for Science Inoue Science Research Award
  • 2016/10 - The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology Young Scientist Award
  • 2015/02 - Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology Incentive award of ELSI 2014
  • 2015/02 - Tokyo Institute of Technology Seiichi Tejima Doctoral Dissertation Award
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Association Membership(s) (5):
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society ,  American Geophysical Union ,  日本鉱物科学会 ,  Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology ,  JAPAN GEOSCIENCE UNION
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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