J-GLOBAL ID:201401045125837532
Update date: Sep. 22, 2024 Konishi Takashi
コニシ タカシ | Konishi Takashi
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Bio-, chemical, and soft-matter physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (52): -
Koki Nishida, Ryohei Ikura, Kenji Yamaoka, Osamu Urakawa, Takashi Konishi, Tadashi Inoue, Go Matsuba, Masaru Tanaka, Yoshinori Takashima. Relation between the Water Content and Mechanical Properties of Hydrogels with Movable Cross-Links. Macromolecules. 2024
Takashi Konishi, Yoshihisa Miyamoto. Polymer crystallization process at high supercooling: Crystallization with nodular aggregation region near the glass transition. Polymer. 2024
隆士 小西, 嘉久 宮本. 微結晶凝集体形成を伴う高分子結晶化過程. 日本物理学会誌. 2024
Hiroki Nobori, Daisuke Fujimoto, Jun Yoshioka, Koji Fukao, Takashi Konishi, Ken Taguchi. Phase transitions and dynamics in ionic liquid crystals confined in nanopores. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2024
Junsu Park, Yuki Asaki, Yuki Fujiwara, Takuma Wada, Ryohei Ikura, Akihide Sugawara, Takashi Konishi, Go Matsuba, Yasutomo Uetsuji, Hiroshi Uyama, et al. Tough citric acid-modified cellulose-containing polymer composites with three components consisting of movable cross-links and hydrogen bonds. Polymer Journal. 2023
more... MISC (38): -
西田幸輝, 以倉崚平, 以倉崚平, 小西昴, PARK Junsu, PARK Junsu, 小西隆士, 松葉豪, 高島義徳, 高島義徳, et al. Investigation of mechanical properties of hydrogels with hydrophobic aggregation and movable crosslinks. ホスト-ゲスト・超分子化学シンポジウム講演要旨集. 2023. 20th
Sakatsuji Waki, Konishi Takashi, Miyamoto Yoshihisa. 28pAC-7 Enthalpy relaxation and relaxation time distribution. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 1. 412-412
Konishi Takashi, Sakatsuji Waki, Miyamoto Yoshihisa. 27aAC-7 Crystallization of Syndiotactic Polypropylene from the Stretched Mesomorphic Phase. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 1. 391-391
Miyamoto Y., Konishi T., Taguchi K., Sekimoto K. 27aAA-2 Viscoelastic stress in the glass transition region of polyisoprene rubber. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 1. 386-386
Sakatsuji Waki, Konishi Takashi, Miyamoto Yoshihisa. Memory effect on the relaxation time in enthalpy relaxation. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2013. 68. 2. 299-299
more... Lectures and oral presentations (18): -
Polymer crystallization with formation of small crystallites
Kinetics of density fluctuations during the early stage of crystallization in syndiotactic polypropylene III
(70th SPSJ Annual Meeting 2021)
Growth Kinetics of Aggregates of Small Crystallites during Polymer Crystallization III
(JPS 76th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan 2021)
Existence of Mesomorphic Phase in Crystalline Polymer and Crystallization Process through the Mesomorphic Phase
(Autumn Meeting 2020, The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan 2020)
Clarification of polymer crystallization mechanism with a large supercooling
(2020KIPS Young Scientist Symposium 2020)
more... Professional career (1): Return to Previous Page