J-GLOBAL ID:201401049313897912
Update date: Jul. 03, 2024 Kawasumi-Kita Aiko
カワスミ アイコ | Kawasumi-Kita Aiko
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Developmental biology
Research keywords (10):
genome editing
, morphogenesis
, left-right axis formation
, Transcriptional regulation
, limb regeneration
, organ regeneration
, Xenopus tropicalis
, Developmental biology
, Xenopus laevis
, Regeneration
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2021 - 2024 a
- 2020 - 2023 a
- 2018 - 2020 a
- 2012 - 2015 Wound healing in mammals and amphibians: Toward perfect skin regeneration in mammals
- 2007 - 2009 a
Papers (17): -
Aiko Kawasumi-Kita, Sang-Woo Lee, Daisuke Ohtsuka, Kaori Niimi, Yoshifumi Asakura, Keiichi Kitajima, Yuto Sakane, Koji Tamura, Haruki Ochi, Ken-ichi T. Suzuki, et al. hoxc12/c13 as key regulators for rebooting the developmental program in Xenopus limb regeneration. Nature Communications. 2024. 15. 1
Yoshihiro Morishita, Sang-Woo Lee, Takayuki Suzuki, Hitoshi Yokoyama, Yasuhiro Kamei, Koji Tamura, Aiko Kawasumi-Kita. An archetype and scaling of developmental tissue dynamics across species. Nature Communications. 2023. 14. 1
Haruka Matsubara, Aiko Kawasumi-Kita, Saki Nara, Hibiki Yokoyama, Toshinori Hayashi, Takashi Takeuchi, Hitoshi Yokoyama. Appendage-restricted gene induction using a heated agarose gel for studying regeneration in metamorphosed Xenopus laevis and Pleurodeles waltl. Development, growth & differentiation. 2023. 65. 2. 86-93
Aiko KAWASUMI-KITA. Infrared Laser-Mediated Gene Induction at the Single-Cell Level in the Regenerating Tail of Xenopus laevis Tadpoles. Cold Spring Harbor protocols. 2018. 2018. 12. pdb.prot101014-pdb.prot101014
- Aiko Kawasumi-Kita, Daisuke Ohtsuka, Yoshihiro Morishita. Morphometric staging of organ development based on cross sectional images. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2018. 440. 80-87
more... MISC (7): -
手足の再生能力を取り戻す発生再起動制御因子を発見 -再生時特異的に発揮されるhox遺伝子の新たな役割-. 理化学研究所 プレスリリース. 2024
- 横山仁, 林真一, 川住愛子, 砂川奈都召, 田村宏治. アフリカツメガエルから見た四肢再生実現へのステップ. 実験医学. 2013. 32. 1. 22-28
- 林真一, 矢野十織, 川住愛子, 田村宏治, 横山仁. 四肢再生における脱分化、再分化と細胞記憶. 実験医学. 2013. 31. 13. 2075-2082
- 田村宏治, 川住愛子, 神山菜美子, 松原遼, 小野寺孝興, 野村直生, 横山仁, 福田道雄. フンボルトペンギンに特徴的な指の発生. 日本動物学会大会予稿集. 2012. 83rd. 169
- 横山仁, 川住愛子, 林真一, 田村宏治. 四肢再生の基盤としての創傷治癒: 両生類から学ぶ皮膚の完全再生. 細胞工学,秀潤社. 2012. 31. 5. 592-599
more... Lectures and oral presentations (18): -
Transcription Factors Essential for Reactivation of Developmental Programs during Limb Regeneration
(the 55th Annual Meeting of JSDB 2022)
Quantitative comparative analysis of limb morphogenesis between chick and Xenopus embryos
(The 52nd annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists 2019)
Comparing the morphogenesis of Xenopus limb development and regeneration, and finding regeneration-specific phenomena
(3rd IDE meeting 2018)
Reconstruction of tissue deformation dynamics for Xenopus laevis limb development from positional data of cells labeled by IR-LEGO system
(The 3rd ユニークな少数派実験動物を扱う若手が最先端アプローチを勉強する会 2017)
Reconstruction of tissue deformation dynamics for Xenopus laevis limb development from positional data of cells labeled by IR-LEGO system
(50th Annual Meeting of JSDB 2017)
more... Education (2): - 2003 - 2011 Osaka University Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences
- 1999 - 2003 Himeji Institute of Technology Department of Science
Professional career (1): Work history (7): - 2021/04 - 2024/03 RIKEN BDR Visiting Researcher / JSPS RPD (Restart Postdoc)
- 2018/04 - 2021/03 RIKEN BDR Research Scientist
- 2015/12 - 2018/03 RIKEN QBiC Research Scientist
- 2014/04 - 2017/03 Tohoku University Post Doctoral Fellow (dispatched from RIKEN)
- 2014/04 - 2015/11 RIKEN CDB Research Scientist
- 2011/10 - 2014/03 Tohoku University Research Scientist
- 2007/04 - 2009/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Felloship for Young Scientists
Show all
Awards (1): - 2008/09 - The 1st Annual Joint Meeting of SFBD &JSDB Best Poster Award
Association Membership(s) (2):
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